The Zionsville Village Residents Association

The VRA offers opportunities  for Village residents to get involved with our community and learn about issues that affect our neighborhood. Most of all, the VRA is still committed to the ideas it was founded upon…preserving what’s best about life here in our Village.


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SullivanMunce Cultural Center Century Structure Tour:

This tour will take you past a wide range of structures in the community and the history behind them. Some of these have existed since the 1860s. The Century Structure program began in 1987 to recognize and honor the historic buildings remaining in our community. Residential and commercial businesses that maintain their building’s original architectural style and integrity are eligible to apply. To date, there are more than 30 century structures. These homes are separated into three distinct tours, each less than an hour long and covering less than a mile. Please click here for more infomation and to learn more about the three available tours (free)

*SullivanMunce Cultural Center is not affiliated with the ZVRA

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Mark Walters

Presidents Message

As we enter March, I think I can safely say most everyone is ready for spring! It has been one of the more grinding winters in recent memory and I for one am looking forward to seeing buds on the trees, and daffodils poking up from the ground!
As we learned at the February meeting there is a lot of activity going on in and around the village. The mayor presented a new road layout concept that adds a roundabout between 1 st St. and Main St. along Hawthorne. While still in the planning stages this layout appears to have made changes from the prior concept. The mayor has agreed to let me know when the final layout is available for public viewing, and we will send an email to members with that information.

The Main Street Zionsville application has been submitted and we should hear the results sometime in March. There will be a celebration of this achievement as the weather warms up so stay tuned. The reworking of Lincoln Park is in the final design stages and bids are being solicited for the work which is scheduled to begin once contracts are signed. Once the design is finalized Jared Logsdon of the Parks Department has agreed to share it at a VRA meeting.

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