- February 1st (Friday) 5 p.m.-8 p.m Little Kings artist reception with Chris Bucher at Sullivan Munce
- February 7th (Thursday) Poetry on Brick Street
- February 12th (Tuesday) 6:30pm Board of Zoning Appeals to hear WalMart Petition
- February 19th (Tuesday) 7:30pm VRA meeting at Zionsville Police Department
- 1075 Parkway Dr. Zionsville, IN 46077
From the Village, Turn south on to Brandon Way (McDonalds on Corner), Parkway is first Stop. Cross parkway into ZPD/Municipal Building Parking Lot. - Map to Zionsville Police Dept
Letter from the President
I just got done writing a very lengthy exposé on the details of John Tousley’s removal from the ReDevelopement Commission (RDC), but its details would have driven even the most involved citizen a little crazy. I will leave it at this– I believe that the “reasons” Mr. Tousley was removed were excuses, and that I was not told the truth. I believe that for 2 years in a row Village residents have been removed from important committees simply because they “ruffled some feathers”. Mr. Tousley asked the right questions, ones that needed to be asked. He put teeth in the contracts that the RDC entered into, and he always put the best interests of Zionsville citizens first, and I wonder who will be doing that now.
The Board of Zoning Appeals will be hearing the Walmart variance case on Feb 12th at 6:30. I urge you to attend that as well.
Lastly… take advantage of the recipe from Jen Kershner in this months issue below… it is fantastic!
Village News and Events
Whether you’re loving the winter chill or counting the days until spring, his photographs are breathtaking. Take a look at our snowy village: Chris Bucher Photographs
Sidewalk Repairs
The Street Department is planning for sidewalk repairs. If you have any of this type of sidewalk issue please report it to the town, because it is clear that this is water damage and this is at the point where it can still be repaired fairly easily. Street Superintendent Lantz said that the Street Department is interested in hearing about sidewalks that are sinking, have more than a 1″ offset, or any type of trip hazard, because they try to keep up with repairing those. If the sidewalk damage is on the part that crosses the driveway, that would usually be the homeowner’s responsibility to repair. Lance Lantz E-mails to him are preferable to phone calls.
Little Kings Exhibit at Sullivan Munce – January 19th through February 23rd
Artist Reception with Chris Bucher – Friday, February 1st 5pm to 8pm
Little Kings, a solo exhibition by Zionsville resident, Chris Bucher, opened on Saturday, January 19. Little Kings consists of a series of large-scale photographs created at the Jireh Sports Ministry boxing gym, tracking a group of inner city youths through 6 months of their training leading up to the Ringside World Championships in Kansas City, Missouri.
Poetry on Brick Street – Thursday, February 7th
Poetry on Brick Street will present Jim McGarrah as the featured poet at 6:30 p.m., Thursday February 7, 2013, at Eagle Creek Coffee , 10 South Main Street. Coffee, food and drinks from Eagle Creek’s menu will be available for sale.
An Open “mic” for poets will follow McGarrah’s reading welcoming all poets to read their work.
Poetry on Brick Street is a project of Brick Street Poetry, Inc., which is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit based in Zionsville, Indiana. Brick Street Poetry also publishes the Tipton Poetry Journal, and hosts other poetry-related events. For information, call board member Susan Miller at 219-9337 or email at
Eagle Viewing Day
By Guinn Doyle
Duke Energy’s Cayuga Station
Duke Energy opened its Cayuga Station for eagle viewing day on January 26. This once a year event is put on by Duke Energy to allow the public to view the America Bald Eagles the over winter in the area around Cayuga Station.
A portion of the Wabash River near the Cayuga Station is Indiana’s largest wintering site for the Bald Eagle. The eagles are attracted to the warm water surrounding the station and the plentiful supply of fish. The water is warm due to the discharge of cooling water which attracts gizzard shad and other fish. In addition, the area around the Station has timbered shoreline, open water and low levels of human disturbance.
Each year the American Eagle Foundation puts on the Eagle and Birds of Prey Program. The photos are from the program which shows various birds of prey.
The Village Needs to Know
If you are interested in taking more time to be creative or want to learn a new technique, join Village resident Jen Kershner for classes held at fivethirty resale located at 20 N. Main St.
For more information or to sign up for a craft class please visit her blog, The Cottage Nest or send an email to Jen at
Have any news or announcements that you think the Village needs to know? Submit us an email to
Meet Your Neighbor
By Beth Bugbee
Tim Darby Casady
Sycamore Street
Do you have family in Zionsville? We have two sons, Joe (age 24) and Peter (age 21), as well as two dogs, Obie and Ike.
How long have you lived in Zionsville? We moved to Zionsville in 2000.
Where are you from originally? I am originally from Speedway and Darby is from Carmel. We met at DePauw University.
What is your profession? I have a law degree from Harvard and was an attorney for Lilly. We have spent many years away from Indiana. We lived in Minneapolis from 88-91, London from 91-97 and Vienna from 97-00 then moved to Zionsville. Since 2005, I have been engaged in my 2nd career as the owner of Nebo Ridge Bicycles at 106th and Michigan Road. This has been a labor of love for both Darby and me. We’ve grown from scratch into one of America’s “Top 100” bicycle dealers with bikes for everyone in the family.
Why did you come to Zionsville? Main Street, Starkey Park and schools! After four years in one of Zionsville’s subdivisions, it was time to downsize and move into the Village. Now both of our sons are back—one with his lovely and endearingly sweet dog, Ike.
What do you think is the best thing about Zionsville? We enjoy the Rail Trail and all of the great (and sometimes hidden) parklands. We need to get them connected with off-street pathways, and then connect them with nice paths to our residential areas.
What are your interests? Darby loves her garden. We both enjoy biking and hiking. We like to escape with the dogs (and sons when they dare) to our shack/cabin in southern Brown County near the Nebo Ridge Trail in the Hoosier National Forest from where we can bike and hike to our heart’s content.
What is your favorite village shop/restaurant? The Friendly. It never goes out of style.
What is your favorite movie? Silver Lining Playbook—new—but the “best” movie I’ve seen in ages. It’s a great view of real life with issues of navigating through mental health challenges, love and commitment, and aging parents and their kids.
What is your favorite book? My favorite author is DePauw alum, Barbara Kingsolver. Her personal story relayed in Animal, Vegetable, Miracle makes the most compelling case for sustainable farming and living and truly living “locally” than any of the (albeit good books) by Pollan, et alia. I’m in the middle of her new novel, Flight Behavior, also very good at weaving science into a good story.
Who would you most like to meet? I would like to meet Dr. Jospeh Story who is the namesake of Story, Indiana. He lived in southern Brown County during the 2nd half of the 19th century. I bet he could tell a good story.
What are your plans for the future? I want to ride my bike more.
What advice do you have for other villagers? Go outside.
Three words that would describe a perfect day: smiling sunny woods
Village Voice Arts
by Sarah Zack
Zionsville Village Resident and Certified K-12 Art Teacher
Happy Valentine’s Day Cards
Approximate Time: 15 Minutes
Materials needed:
Tag Board: Red (lips) Brown (mustache)
Small Hole Punch or BBQ Skewer
2. Write a fun message (ideas are listed below) on the mustache/lips
3. Punch a hole (using a small hole punch or a BBQ skewer). For the mustache punch the hole in the center at the bottom / For the lips punch the hole in the center.
4. Give to your favorite Valentine.
Possible Valentine’s Day Messages:
I ‘mustache’ you to be my Valentine.
Read my lips: Happy Valentine’s Day
I am a ‘Sucker’ for you
No Matter what we “stick “together.
Soup for the Soul
by Jen Kershner
There is nothing like a hearty soup to warm your soul as you (not so) patiently wait for Spring to arrive.
Potato Leek Soup with Pancetta
4 oz cubed pancetta (I use Trader Joe’s)
1 pound bag frozen leeks (also Trader Joe’s)
3 baking potatoes, peeled and small diced
1 large onion
4 cloves of garlic
3T butter
4 c chicken stock
1 c water
¼ cup heavy cream
½ c half and half
Salt and pepper to taste
In a dutch oven or large pot cook pancetta over medium heat. When finished remove pancetta only and set aside. Add 3 tablespoons of butter to pot. Add leeks and onions and cook approximately 10 minutes or until translucent. Add garlic and cook a few minutes more. Add chicken stock, water and potatoes and simmer for about 20 mins or until potatoes are tender. Add heavy cream and half and half and use immersion blender to puree to desired consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Garnish with pancetta and if you are anything like me you will want to also garnish it with blue cheese and homemade croutons. It will change your life. Or at least your dinner.
Government Updates
Primary focus of this mtg. was DOW.
2013 appointed commissioners are:
– Mike Latz, President(Not Present)
– Mark Plassman, VP
– Craig Anderson
– Bradley Johnson (new)
– 5th voting commissioner unknown to date – stated that they should have a 5th by the Feb. mtg.
The RDC hired August Mack to conduct the Phase 2 Environmental testing and reporting. August Mack completed 20 borings in various places on the property. Lab results for groundwater and soil were clean on all borings except for 3, all of which were near the intersection of 106th St. and Dalia Dr. The RDC approved an additional $7,875 for August Mack to conduct 5 additional borings in that area.
All of the Town’s due diligence on the property must be completed by month end, per George Somers of Rockland Development (also of Wallace, Somers, and Haas). Mr. Somers said he could not speculate on whether or not DOW would grant the Town another extension for completing its due diligence – they have granted multiple thus far.
The RDC will have their regular monthly mtg. on 1/28, plus possibly another special mtg. in Feb. before closing on the DOW purchase in mid-Feb. I do not know if a purchase agreement has been viewed yet by the RDC – it was not mentioned at Monday’s mtg.
There were 9 audience members at the mtg., including Councilors Mundy and Papa.
EDC Mtg. on 1/16:
Primary focus of this mtg. was a potential Master Plan for Downtown / Main St.
2013 appointed commissioners are (3 voting members, 3 advisory-only members):
- Charlie Edwards, President
- Bob Goodman, VP
- Brett Swanson, Secretary
- Kent Abernathy – new, non-voting member
- Carol Marquiss – new (formerly on RDC), non-voting member
- Tammy Kelly – new (formerly on Progress Committee), non-voting member
Potential future projects for the EDC (Master Plans or Economic Strategic Development Plans):
- Near the Exec. airport
- North corridor of Michigan Rd.
- Downtown / Main St.
Julie Cole of the Chamber of Commerce is most interested in a Master Plan for Main St. / Downtown. The EDC’s sole budget for 2013 is $10thd for legal fees, therefore the funding source for such a Plan would need to be another commission, most likely the RDC since the Downtown area is in the TIF. Ed noted that the RDC does not currently have monies in its budget for such a project, but soon the new developments in the TIF will “reload” the RDC budget and the EDC could make a case for utilizing some of those new funds for a Main St. / Downtown Master Plan.
The attendees at the mtg. were Wayne Delong, Ed Mitro, Julie Cole, Jeff Papa, Natalie Kruger and one unknown. The EDC asked Jeff Papa if the T.C. would be interested in hearing a proposal about creating a Master Plan for Main St. / Downtown. Mr. Papa said he could not speak for the rest of the T.C., but that he would be interested. Everyone agreed that the preservation of Downtown / Main St. is crucial and that a Master Plan needs to be in place to ensure its long term viability.
Some points discussed about what to possibly include in a Master Plan for Downtown / Main St.:
- Bob Goodman and Tammy Kelly would like to somehow require merchants to be open certain / consistent days / hours. Ed noted that zoning cannot impact/enforce a retailers hours, but rather landlords/tenants must make such a decision. Much discussion took place, mostly among Tammy and Bob and Ed, about what the Town could do to control merchant hours. Bob noted that if infrastructure improvements are required by the Town / Plan, it may force out the landlords/tenants who do not want to or cannot interject that kind of money into their buildings, thereby allowing new landlords/tenants who can/would abide by the new infrastructure guidelines to take over said buildings. He noted that such new merchants would likely be the kind of merchants who would stay open more/longer hours/days. Tammy Kelly noted that retailers should be required to be open certain days / hours and if they don’t like it, they should move.
- The role of the Town vs. the role of the property owners in maintaining Downtown / Main St. was also mentioned. It was suggested that the Town has too big of a role, and that there needs to be a better balance of responsibility btw. the Town and the property owners.
Bob Goodman noted that the perception of the EDC and it’s process for creating the Plan for the 1,000 SE acres was that not enough input was asked of the public upfront. He asked Natalie Kruger if she agreed -She said yes, and that the EDC could proactively prevent that with other Plans they create.
The EDC will focus its next 3-ish meetings on determining the scope of a Downtown / Main St. Master Plan, then will present the idea to the T.C.
- August Mack has completed all borings (additional borings were conducted near the intersection of 106th St. and Dalia Dr. due to the lab results from the original borings in that area).
- Lab results have been received, but not the full Environ. Report. Until the Report has been received and shared with DOW, the results will not be shared with the public.
- Given the deadline of Jan. 30th for the Town to complete all due diligence, and the current closing date of Feb. 15th, Rockland Development’s attorney has asked DOW for an extension (unsure if this is an extension of only the closing date, or also an extension of the due diligence deadline – I believe the request is for an extension of both dates, but I’m not certain). DOW has not yet responded, however Andy Burouker stated that DOW wants to close before March 1st.
- Town’s contract with Rockland Development has not yet been signed. Town waiting for Exhibit B to the contract from Rockland Development which will detail their development timeline. Rockland cannot create this development timeline until the Environ. Report is complete.
Harris Property, east side Zionsville Rd. (Love Furniture Lot)
- New building will be 16,000 SF.
- It is a build-to-suit for one tenant who has committed to 12,000 SF of it, and has the option to occupy the additional 4,000 SF.
- If the tenant does not exercise this option, there may be an additional tenant to occupy the remaining 4,000 SF. Regardless, the entire building is being built with the specifications requested by the one tenant.
- The subject tenant is relocating from Carmel. They will guaranty a minimum of 10 full time employees, with an average salary of $100k each.
- New RDC member Bradley Johnson noted that 10 employees in a 12,000 SF space seems like a very small number of employees. Discussions concluded that Bob Harris and RDC are comfortable with this as a minimum number.
- RDC knows the name of the tenant, but that has not yet been shared with the public. The principal of the company was shared, however. Richard Holderman – lives in Zionsville, which is why he wants to relocate from Carmel.
- Bob Harris wants to have the building completed by the end of this summer.
- Scannell closed on the purchase of the Ripberger property in December 2012.
- FedEx plans to break ground in March.
- Will present petition for their SF exception to the Board of Zoning Appeals on 2/12.
- Will present building plans to Plan Commission on 2/19, if BZA approves exception on 2/12.
106th St. Sewer/Water Project and Bennett Pkwy. Extension
- Lowest bidder on both projects was Gradex.
- Beam, Longest, Neff and American Structurepoint reviewed all of the bids – both firms recommend that Gradex complete both projects.
- Town is in the process of securing the easements for these projects – hope to begin in March or April.
- Beam, Longest, Neff was approved as the supervisory engineering firm on the Bennett Pkwy. Extension.
Micro Loan Committee
- Members yet to be chosen for 2013.