Highlights: Town council meeting Monday and learn to make maple syrup
Upcoming Events:
- Monday February 1: 7 pm – Zionsville Town Council Meeting - via Zoom
- Tuesday February 2: 7pm – Special Plan Commission Meeting - via Zoom
- Wednesday February 3: 6:30 pm – Zionsville Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting - via Zoom
- Saturday February 6: 10am – Backyard Maple Sugaring webinar through Zion Nature Center. Ever wanted to learn to make your own maple syrup? Registration required
Continuing Events:
- Zionsville Town Hall closed to the public until further notice
Zionsville/Village News:
- Healthcare workers, first responders, Indiana residents over 65 and those exposed to infectious Covid-19 materials are eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine. Click here to register.
- Town of Zionsville partners with local compost hauler – Special pricing for Zionsville residents
- B oone County Looks at Additional Vaccination Sites
- The town is partnering with White River Alliance to conduct a survey about stormwater quality. to participate visit www.surveymonkey.com/r/SWOnline