
From Wayne DeLong, Director of Planning & Economic Development:

The Town of Zionsville Redevelopment Commission (RDC) is seeking input on its rewrite of the DOW PUD as it relates to 75 acres within Creekside. This matter has been advertised and public notices have been mailed. The matter was introduced on February 16, 2015 and is again scheduled to be discussed on March 16, 2015 with the Plan Commission.

The attached documents are relevant to this conversation.

We would appreciate the VRA’s thoughts on the rewrite (and would appreciated any feedback – to be most beneficial, it would be great to have that feedback by March 6, 2015).



Wayne DeLong, AICP
Director of Planning & Economic Development
Town of Zionsville
1100 West Oak Street
Zionsville, Indiana  46077

Direct:  317-873-5108

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