Zionsville Gateway Development Area – Virtual Listening Session:
The ZGA Virtual Listening Session is now live on the ZGA website. If you were unable to attend the in person, please consider attending the virtual event:
The ZGA Virtual Listening Session is now live on the ZGA website. If you were unable to attend the in person, please consider attending the virtual event:
An additional in-person session has been added on Oct 22:
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, October 19: Zionsville Town Council Meeting, 7:30 AM at Zionsville Town Hall.
- Zoom meeting information: http://www.zionsville-in.gov/Calendar.aspx?EID=1557
- Monday, October 19: Zionsville School Board Meeting, 6 PM, Educational Services Center
- Monday, October 19: Zionsville Plan Commission Meeting, 7PM, Zionsville Town Hall.
- Tuesday, October 20: Creekside Nature Park Group Dog Walk from 10:00-11:00am. (11001 East Sycamore Street) Group walks are a great opportunity for you and your dog to socialize and gather information about parks and programs. This year all group dog walks will require registration to attend. Human participants are limited to 15 people and are required to wear a mask.
- Human registration and wearing of masks required: https://www.zionsville-in.gov/Activities/Activity/Detail/Tails-on-the-Trails-248
- Thursday, October 22: Gateway Listening Session – 9-11AM, 4-6PM. Zionsville Town Hall.
- Thursday, October 22: Community Conversations Series: The Impact of Implicit Bias on Individuals, Organizations and Society.
- To join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88445014333; iPhone: 646-558-8656; Webinar ID: 884 4501 4333.
- Saturday, October 24: Native Seed Swap, Mulberry Fields, 2-3PM.
- Saturday, October 24: Not So Scary Hike, Zion Nature Center. Ages 7 and up.
- Registration required: https://www.zionsville-in.gov/Activities/Activity/Detail/Native-Seed-Swap-312
- now through October 31: Art in Hand Silent Auction to benefit The Arc of Greater Boone County. Visit Art in Hand Gallery (211 S. Main St) to bid on items handcrafted by local artists. The Arc exists to assist people with disabilities and special needs achieve their maximum potential in partnership with the community.
- now through November 4: Voting at the Boone County Courthouse in Lebanon.
- Information and all locations can be found here:
- https://boonecounty.in.gov/Offices/Clerk/Election-Information
- now through November 6:n Lines and Layers: Charm Club Quilts Exhibition at SullivanMunce Cultural Center. Exhibition has been extended.
- Virtual exhibit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSDWurLTLk4&feature=youtu.be
SullivanMunce Cultural Center Virtual Events:
- The Virtual GhostWalk is now available on YouTube for free.
- Visit the SMCC YouTube channel:https://youtube.com/channel/UClF04vUpOp5gec7FdgePSZQ/featured
- The current exhibit, “Lines and Layers: The Charm Club Quilt Exhibition” is available as a virtual exhibit if you can’t make it to the museum.
- Lines and Layers: Charm Club Quilts Exhibit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSDWurLTLk4&feature=youtu.be
- SMCC Facebook page: http://facebook.com/SullivanMunce
- SMCC on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sullivanmunce/?hl=en
Zionsville/Village News:
- The VRA sends condolences to the Lamb family on the tragic loss of Brooks:
- https://obituaries.reporter.net/obituary/brooks-lamb-1080486254
Please reach out to your neighbors to ensure they’re ok, especially during the winter months when we have fewer opportunities to see one another in person.