Be sure to check out the rest or our new website and Happenings page for up-to-date announcements and events in Zionsville!
ZVRA April meeting
7:30pm, April 12th (Tuesday); Eagle Creek Coffee Company
The next meeting of the ZVRA will include a discussion of the parks with Parks Dept Super, Matt Dickey. Learn about all the great stuff going on with our parks dept, as well as new information about volunteer opportunities at Creekside and Elm Street Green. Also: meet our own Village Police Officer, Drake Sterling. You do not have to be a member of the VRA to attend the meetings! All are invited to attend!
Village Brush and Limb Pickup
April 18th and 19th (Monday and Tuesday);
N/S streets on the 18th, E/W streets on the 19th, must be out by 7:30am to guarantee pickup
Zionsville Town Council Candidate Forum
April 26th (Tuesday); Zionsville Town Hall 1100 W. Oak St. May 3rd
Primaries are coming up! This is a great opportunity to get to learn a little more about the people who are running for Town Council. It will be fun for all ages!!
Pull for the Parks
April 30th (Saturday); 8:30am to 12pm; Creekside Park and Elm Street Green
Garlic Mustard Pull to eradicate invasive the invasive species. Come for an hour or all morning! Coffee and donuts provided!
Letter From The President
April brings us a lot of excitement here in the Village. Not only have all the spring flowers begun to brighten our warm days, but the politicians have started to show their faces as well! With the May 3rd Primary coming up fast, the Zionsville VRA is hosting a Town Council Candidate Forum on Tuesday, April 26th at 7pm at Town Hall. This is a great opportunity to get to learn a little more about the people who are running for Town Council. Make sure to put it on your calendar and attend. It will be fun for all ages!!
April 12th will be a regular VRA meeting at the Eagle Creek Coffee Co at 7:30, where we will be learning about our own Village Police officer/liaison Drake Sterling who will share some safety info with us, as well as Parks Superintendent Matt Dickey who will be talking about the parks department and informing us about the upcoming Garlic Mustard Eradication day at Creekside Park on April 30. Spend a little time with your neighbors doing some clean up of invasive species in the park!
I am looking forward to seeing you for at least one of these great events.
If you are looking for more info about the VRA or Zionsville in general, the VRA website is ALL NEW!! We have worked hard to get a lot of great village and Zionsville info to you, all consolidated right here at the new There is, of course, the Village Voice online newsletter which will be updated monthly. Make sure to bookmark it so you can return early and often to check the great Zionsville Happenings Calendar-It is chock full of info and events!
As you can tell, we have been hard at work making sure that you know what is going on in our neighborhood. If you have ideas or news, please let us know!
Chris Bucher
VRA President

VRA Garden Club News
By Delma Mindel
May showers descend as grace notes upon your garden, and may flowers appear as blessings upon your heart.
Spring is arriving, moment by moment. Daffodil, snow drops, and crocus are appearing. The bud end of tree branches and bushes are swelling and, by the time you are reading, blooming. Look closely. Winter disappeared.
The VRA Garden Club met last Saturday, March 5th for a tasty pitch-in dinner at the friendly and inviting home of Marianne and Guinn Doyle. Following dinner we engaged in a lively discussion about summertime and garden club activities. We agreed that the gardens in which we want to investigate, appreciate, kibitz, and admire need not be extravagant models of perfection or complete in every way. Just everyday gardens in which any gardener worth his or her fingernail dirt is discovering endless joys and irritating obstacles (for instance, moles and raccoon raids.) It is, however, the experience of socializing, exchanging ideas and advice while (ahem) imbibing that we really enjoy.
The following calendar was agreed upon:
- Wednesday, May 18th, 7pm: David Susan Malcolm
- Wednesday, June 15th, 7pm: Marianne Guinn Doyle
- Wednesday, July 20th, Ralph Jan Stacy
- Wednesday, August 17th, Jennifer Blandford Mark Amman
- Wednesday, September 21: TBA
If you plan to attend and find out why we’re such a convivial gardening group, please call the host gardener, above. Let them know what appetizer or dessert you plan to contribute, if that’s something you’re willing to do.
VRA Gardener Favorites (No gardener is profiteering from the suggestions below):
- Magazines:
- Fine Gardening and the article about “Plant this, Not That, alternatives to overused plants”.
- Garden Gate Magazine, full page spreads of colorful designs for different types of gardens. So if garden design is not your thing, this will help. (The idea to build a water fountain came from this magazine.)
- Catalogs:
- High Country Gardens: Forecasters predict that summers will continue to be hot and dry. If true, this is the water-wise plant catalog for the Village gardener. Tired of mowing grass? This catalog has “no-mow” grasses that grow only 4 inches, no lawn mower needed.
- Garden Tools by Lee Valley: If you need it for the garden or the tool shed, or didn’t know you needed it, they have it. Fast delivery.
- Garden’s Alive: Lawn and garden products that promote “green gardening”. Want a fertilizer that won’t harm your pets or children? They make it.
Youth Art Month Was A Huge Success!
By Sarah Zack, Zionsville Middle School Art Teacher
If you walked through the streets of Zionsville this past month, you hopefully noticed the amazing student artwork that hung on many storefronts throughout our community. This was in support of Youth Art Month, an annual observation each March to emphasize the value of art education for all children and to encourage support for quality school art programs. Zionsville Community School Fine Arts Department organized the month-long event. “This was an overwhelming show to put together. But, it is totally worth the effort,” said Brenda Jalaie, Zionsville High School Art Teacher. The ZCS Art Department met on several occasions throughout the year to plan for the event. All of the student artwork, approximately 400 pieces, was mounted, labeled, and hung by the small group of dedicated art teachers. “It has been a phenomenal opportunity as we, the art teachers of Zionsville Community Schools, organized and set up the first Zionsville Youth Art Month Art Show.” commented Lauren Heath, Zionsville West Middle School Art Teacher.
The Zionsville Merchants Association was a big supporter of Youth Art Month. Over 30 local merchant members hosted artwork in their store fronts. Brenda Jalaie remarked “As I was hanging up work in merchant windows, I was thrilled to hear proprietors say things like ‘This is so great!’ or ‘Oh, can I have some more?!’ It was wonderful to feel that support from the community regarding our visual art program.” There were also multiple gallery displays throughout the community including the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library, SullivanMunce Cultural Center, and Eagle Creek Coffee Company.
Erin Goodman and Sarah Zack, ZMS Art Teachers, stand alongside Chris Starkes (middle), manager at Eagle Creek Coffee Company.
“The opportunity to show students that their work is appreciated and wonderful is needed in order to continue fueling the creative process. I am always proud of my students, but for them to see that not only their teacher but their whole community is proud of their artistic talent, is a moment that they will never forget,” remarked Jeff Zurawski, Zionsville West Middle School Art Teacher.
Zionsville Community School Fine Arts Department would like to thank the Merchants Association and the town of Zionsville for their support of Art Education. The entire community pulled together to support Youth Art Month and the Zionsville Art Education Programs, grades 1-12. “Working with the Zionsville community has been an outstanding experience due to the support, appreciation, and the knowledge that the arts are extremely valuable to our world.” stated Lauren Heath. The ZCS Fine Arts teachers are proud to be part of this community. We will be doing it again next year!
Fortunes Made. Fortunes Lost…And Then Remade: Zionsville Chamber of Commerce 50th Anniversary
By Ray Cortopassi
A lot can happen in 50 years. If you put that many candles on a cake, you might need more than one breath to blow them out. This year the Zionsville Chamber of Commerce looks back on two generations’ worth of birthdays, filled with the kind of pride that only comes to those who reach middle age.
A few weeks ago, the Zionsville Chamber celebrated that noble milestone at its annual awards banquet at the Palomino Ballroom. The event recognizes men and women who are making strides toward the improvement of our community. At the same time, it doubled as a Golden Anniversary celebration for many of those who helped build the success of the organization.
Founded in 1961, the chamber began as the Zionsville Businessman’s Association.
“They had a meeting in January, there were 40 of them that met.” recalled Ralph Stacy. “They did away with the Association and created the Greater Zionsville Chamber of Commerce. They started out with 100 members.” he added. Stacy was a senior at Zionsville High School in 1961, and years later, went on to open Stacy LaBolt’s with his wife, Jan.
Chamber director M.F. Brown “would go to organizations outside Zionsville and talk up the excitement to come to Zionsville and that was really great!” Jan said.
As years went by, Zionsville needed a boost.
“There was very little building going on.” said Harold Wright, owner of a Five and Dime and later Harold’s Haberdashery (now B. Wright LTD). “There was not much activity, our Main Street traffic was not good.” he said.
Along came an initiative the chamber saw it could support: a major overhaul to the facades of the shops and buildings downtown… in what became known as the “Miracle of Main Street”. Building by building, the architecture was changed to reflect an early American theme. It created an authentic beauty that attracted more visitors to Zionsville.
“That early American theme served us well for many decades.” Stacy said. “It kept us going and drew a lot of people to our community.”
“So many new people move in that don’t know how it looked at that time. I can tell you it looks much nicer now.” Wright said.
As the 70’s moved in, so did the chamber…to a new home on Elm Street, on land owned by the Zionsville Lions Club in a home donated by F.C. Tucker.
After existing in two offices on Main Street over the years, the chamber was offered a free building… a small one-bedroom home that had to be moved to a permanent address.
“It was up on rollers,” remembered Jan Stacy. “and it rolled down Cedar Street to Elm and they took down the utility lines. There was a crowd that watched it. It was exciting.” she said.
The chamber has been doing its work serving the business community from that office ever since, continuing the tradition of serving as an ambassador to Zionsville.
Many of the programs and events begun by past executive directors like Jeanne Degler and Debbie Cranfill continue with a staff of three responding to phone calls, visits and inquiries. Networking and economic development activity have increased, and chamber events have grown. And now, it reaches a great many more electronically through a newly redesigned website and newsletter. Social networking has thrust the organization into an era no one could have imagined in 1961.
New events like “First Tuesday,” Z’Licious (March October), MarketEve (May 13th), and Zionsville Autumn Artscape (Oct. 8th) highlight the effort to attract more visitors to town and the business community.
But some things stayed the same, like the value of one community working together for the benefit of many. The chamber relies on the support of more than 300 members and community partners who believe that Zionsville is a special place with much more to anticipate in the next 50 years.
Blow out the candles!
Note: For a look at the video that helps tell the chamber’s story, visit
Be Green This Earth Day: Recycling in and around Zionsville
- Books
- Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library, 250 N. Fifth St. Zionsville
- Half Priced Books, 1551 W. 86th St. Indianapolis
- Zionsville Community Schools and day care centers
- Craigslist or other online site
- DVDs and VHS
- Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library, 250 N. Fifth St. Zionsville
- Half Priced Books, 1551 W. 86th St. Indianapolis
- Best Buy (recycling kiosk at entrance), 100025 N. Michigan Rd. Carmel
- Craigslist or other online site
- Toner/Ink cartirideges
- Staples (for $3 Rewards each), 3250 W. 86th St. Indianapolis
- Best Buy (recycling kiosk at entrance), 100025 N. Michigan Rd. Carmel
- Cartridge World, 5550 W 86th St. Suite 102 Indianapolis
- Small electronics
- Hussey- Mayfield Memorial Library, 250 N. Fifth St. Zionsville
- cell phones and accessories ONLY for “cell phones for soldiers”
- Best Buy (recycling kiosk at entrance), 100025 N. Michigan Rd. Carmel
- mobile phones, PDAs, wire, and cord recycling
- Best Buy Trade-In, 100025 N. Michigan Rd. Carmel,
- -video games, iPods, Zunes, laptops, and mobile phones, subject to program rules
- Rechargeable batteries (including those for toys, phones, power tools, and laptops)
- Akard True Value in Boone Village
- Best Buy (recycling kiosk at entrance), 100025 N. Michigan Rd. Carmel
- CFL lightbulbs (unbroken)
- Home Depot
- TVs (less than 32″)/ computers/DVD players/Monitors/laptops
- Best Buy ($10 for TVs, CRTs, monitors, and laptops
- Plastic grocery sacks
- Marsh Supermarkets
- Home Depot Stores
- Target Stores
- Styrofoam peanuts
- UPS Store, 49 Boone Village Zionsville
- Other household items
- Play it Again Sports, 271 Merchants Square Dr. Carmel
- Architectural Antiques, 5000 W. 96th St. Indianapolis
- Goodwill, Amvets, Salvation Army, consignment shops
- Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 1011 E. 22nd St. Indianapolis (317)921-2121
- Freecycle, Craigslist, Ebay
- Homeless shelters or animal shelters
- Habitat for Humanity of Boone County Hot Line (765)483-5134
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Boone County Tox Drops, /solidwaste
- May 14th, 2011 at Lebanon Street Department (1301 Lafayette Avenue, Lebanon); 9am to 2pm
- August 27th, 2011 at Zionsville Town Hall (1100 W. Oak St. Zionsville); 9am to 2pm
- Residents in Boone County can take household hazardous waste to a drop-off location in Marion County.
- Residents need to contact the Boone County Solid Waste Management District and request a voucher- (765) 483-0687 or
- Once you receive the voucher you will need to fill it in and take it with your items to one of the Marion County Tox Drop sites in Indianapolis- for locations.
- The Boone County Solid Waste Management District will pay for the cost of disposing your household hazardous waste.
Village People- Meet Your Neighbor: Michelle Ward Rodriguez – Cedar St.
By Kathy Scales
1. How long have you lived in the Village and why did you choose Zionsville?
I have lived in Zionsville since May 2009. While I have always loved the area and hoped to live here one day, it was my (and my daughter’s) desire for her to attend Zionsville High School that drove our decision to finally look for a place here.
2. Do I see teenagers at your home?
Yes! You probably see many teenagers here coming and going, but hopefully not too late at night! I have a 20-year old son, Derek, who attends IUPUI and just moved into his own place downtown; Sarah, an 18-year old senior at University High School; and Katie, who is a junior at Zionsville.
3. What is your profession? What do you love most about it?
Currently, I am employed part-time at the Brick Street Inn, which has just reopened after being closed for nearly two years. The Inn has such a strong presence on Main Street, and I am so glad it is back in business. My background is in hospitality and office administration. I am passionate about providing excellence in customer service in everything I do. True customer service seems to sometimes be a lost art. This is just another reason why I love this town… friendliness and the willingness to help a friend, neighbor, or stranger are still commonplace here.
4. It sounds like you are an awesome volunteer. What organizations are your passion at the moment and why?
I am passionate about an organization called Dress for Success whose mission is to promote the economic independence of underprivileged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. I have been involved for the past five to six years, and am co-chairing Stepping Out in Style this year (which is the primary fundraising event for DFS.) If anyone is interested in further information on DFS or SOIS, I would love to hear from them! I have also volunteered a bit for a couple of the Lions Club events in town and love all that the Club does for our community.
5. Where in the Village do you like to meet friends? A date?
Where don’t we love to go in the Village!? I have a weakness for eating out and enjoy all of the great places that the Village has to offer. We especially love Jill at the Cobblestone!
My best date so far has been Sunday morning coffee at Eagle Creek Coffee Company! That was a very recent first date, so I may have to get back to you on that one!
6. By the way, who would your dream date be?
Who would my dream date be? . . . the person I had coffee with at Eagle Creek!
7. How would you entertain visitors- solely within the Village- who are with you overnight?
Well, first they would stay in a beautiful room at the Brick Street Inn. Then, we would have drinks at Plum’s and dinner there or at one of the other great restaurants in town. If it were summer, we would sit on the patio at Cobblestone and listen to a favorite jazz band. Then, so many choices for breakfast the next day. . . G. Simone’s, Eagle Creek, or La Dolce Vida. Lunch at the Sanctuary or Serenity and the rest of the afternoon shopping . . .then dinner again! Did I say I had a weakness for eating out?
8. How hip are you? Do you own an IPad? Twitter? Tweet? Are you on Facebook?
What’s an IPad? I started a Twitter account two years ago and haven’t visited since. I have a Facebook page, but mostly just to keep up with my kids. I’m a bit old-fashioned in that I really prefer face to face or the phone for connecting with friends and family.
9. Do you have a favorite quote that motivates you, inspires you, or gets you through tough times?
“We do not change as we grow older; we just become more clearly ourselves.” Lynn Hall, author
10. How would you spend a sudden windfall of $1 million?
I would pay off all of the college debt, make gifts to friends and organizations and then… travel, travel, travel!
11. The occupations of the musical group Village People were Cowboy, Construction Worker, Sailor, Indian, Traffic Cop and Leather Biker. Confess: Who would you have been and why?
Probably the cowboy. I don’t ride horses, but I like cowboys and if I didn’t live in Zionsville I would love to live on a ranch in California (where I’m from) or Colorado.
12. Are you happy to be one of Zionsville’s “Village People”?
Anyone who knows me will tell you I’ve never been happier since living here. The best part of all, though, is my wonderful group of neighbors who have become dear friends. Life doesn’t get much better than when we all get together to sit on my neighbor’s porch and listen to the band play in the gazebo on a summer’s evening.

Pooch Perspective: For The Love Of Peanut Butter!
By Penny Rose
Faith the Dog came to Zionsville to do a celebrity show-off to benefit the Boone County Humane Society sponsored by one of the local beauty salons, As The Crowe Flies Hair Salon (58 N. Main Street, 733-1500), in February. You didn’t see her? Well neither did I since I wasn’t allowed near the place. Ordinary pooches (is there really such a thing?) such as myself aren’t allowed to so much as whiff the scent of the acclaimed two-legged. That’s right. You heard it correctly and can see for yourself from the accompanying photos, this dog has only two legs!
Missing her front legs from birth in 2002 (no spring chicken she), the Stringfellows helped Faith adapt by teaching her to walk upright on her back legs. No orthopedic contraption for this canine. Jude Stringfellow says they did it with peanut butter (if I owned Peter Pan, I might be giving Jude a ring.)
But back to me. I admit I was a little peeved that first semi-warm day, in this very long winter, being detoured from my regular walking route due to all the hubbub with Faith. Usually we take Crowe Lane, the little brick-lined alley between 1st and Main Street. Faith was inside the beauty shop (salon, excuse me) and the Humane Society volunteers were out front on Main Street under their little canopied table trying to adopt out pooches and take in some dough. So, we had to avoid both those places. While the forlorned out front were putting on their best “I’m so cute don’t you want to take me home?” routine, Faith was inside getting her picture taken with every celebrity-hungry sole in sight (although it sounds to me as if she spent most of her time trying to get more turkey.) Did I mention they had snacks there, too, which I got none of? The place was packed with people pretending they needed haircuts just to see this amazing hound. Cindy Crowe and her staff were busy all day long shucking locks for $15 a pop to benefit the BCHS.
You may have another chance to see Faith as she is now an Indiana dog having moved from Oklahoma to Avon, Indiana. Of course, she has her own website and you can go to that for more information ( She’s available for bookings and Jude’s phone number and email address are listed under the bookings tab. Ms. Stringfellow stresses you are hiring her and not Faith as she is a professional public speaker and Faith is a dog. But, what a dog. Faith visits military sites at cost. Faith was awarded honorary sergeant in 2006 (E5, no less). You can find pictures of her in uniform on the web. Well, pictures and videos and videos and more pictures.
Faith has a book out, Faith Alone, and is working on another, Faith Walks. The upcoming is a biography written from Faith’s perspective. (Gee, I wonder where she got that idea from.) There’s also to be a children’s book. And, of course, she has a plush toy made in her image available on her website.
This February 13th event was to benefit the Boone County Humane Society, so I guess I should give them a plug. After all, my new best friend might come from there. The Boone County Humane Society has no facility yet, but they do have a website ( Phone numbers and address are provided if you want to contribute moolah or if you are looking for a companion.
Speaking of companions and just a heads-up on my next column, I met the little spitfire Rosie pictured at the top of the Village Voice with her adorable owner, Lucy. I don’t know which one of them overwhelms me the most. I’ll let you know in the next Pooch Perspective.
Village Voice Arts
Village People, Meet Your Business Neighbor: Eric Bryant, Simply Yoga 260 S. First St.
By Jane Forbes
Walking down 1st Street towards the Dairy Queen, I could not help but notice the sign for Simply Yoga on the Wessel building.
This beautiful studio, in the heart of the village, is where I was first introduced to yoga teacher, Eric Bryant.
Eric began his study of yoga in New York City in the spring of 2000 while looking for ways to get back in shape and improve his mental/spiritual outlook. He felt transformed by the practice and knew he wanted to share the benefits of yoga with others. He completed his 200 hour certification through the internationally recognized OM Yoga Center, directed by Cindy Lee.
His classes incorporate a lively, playful vinyasa flow to harmonize the breath and body. He places attention on alignment for students to find space in each pose and a practice of being mindful to what is going on in the body and mind in each moment. Eric teaches in Carmel, Fishers and Indianapolis; but there is no need to travel beyond our own ‘back yard’ as Eric is at Simply Yoga every Monday evening at 7:15 pm. It is a true gift to practice yoga with Eric in the village; there is an open mat waiting for you.
Summer Camps in Zionsville
Looking for something fun for your child to do this summer! Zionsville has many summer camps currently enrolling for the summer of 2011! List is alphabetical.
Boys and Girls Club of Zionsville, Club East 1575 Mulberry St. (Ages 5 to 18)
Our summer programs are open to all club members and fit into one of our 5 Core Areas: Sports, Fitness Recreation, Art, Education Career Development, Health Life Skills, and Character Leadership Development.
Fieldtrips are filled on a first come, first serve basis. Each trip has limited
availability. Sign-ups for the first week of fieldtrips will open on May 24th.
Proceeding fieldtrip sign-ups will occur one week prior to a scheduled trip.
Summer Hours:
Monday—Friday 7:00AM-6:00PM
Regular Programming starts at 10:00AM June 7th—August 6th
The Boys and Girls Club will be closed the week of August 9th—13th to prepare for the school year
For more information, go to or call (317) 873-6670
Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Library “Teen Volunteer Corps”, 250 S 5th St. (6th to 12th grade)
Want to get out of the house this summer? Teen volunteer corps is a great way to get involved with the library’s summer reading program. Teens currently in grades six and up can sign up to work a two hour shift each week for eight weeks. What will you do? Pass out summer reading prizes, have fun, meet people, shelve books and more. Come to the library (250 N. Fifth St.) or head to our website ( for an application. April 4 is your deadline to apply. All volunteers must attend one of the following training sessions: April 8, 15 or May 20 at the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library.
Interactive Academy, 3795 S. US 421 (2 years old to 6th grade)
Summer is soon approaching and we have summer camps designed for all ages. Each age group includes a well-balanced lunch, instructional gymnastics class daily, and theme oriented activities.
Weekly themes from June 6th to August 5th. Camps offered: Lil’ Cubs 2-3 years, Clubhouse Kids 3-5 years, Jr Explorers grades 1-3, and Leadership Lab grades 4-6. Partial or full week option as well as an extended day option.
For more information and registration forms, go to or (317) 733-3000
Maplelawn Farmstead “Summer at Maplelawn”, 9575 Whitestown Road (3rd to 8th grades)
Applications are now being accepted for the fourth season of Summer at Maplelawn – a summer day camp program designed specifically for children entering grades 3-8 in the fall. It is an in-depth, highly interactive camp that offers a historically-accurate overview of life on an Indiana family farmstead during the days of the Great Depression presented through a variety of multi-disciplinary activities including gardening, building, gaming, cooking, crafting and creating.
Campers will tend the garden, cook their own lunch over an open campfire, help out with a variety of farm-related chores, and – of course – have plenty of time for outdoor play. Throughout the week, campers will learn about the entertainment industry during the Great Depression while creating an original variety show to perform for family and friends at the end of the week. From radio and television … to singing and dancing … to comedy and magic … to creating props, sets, and programs … it all comes together during this week!
Led by Boone County Historian Marianne Doyle and staffed by a variety area volunteers, this program celebrates a rich period in our country’s – and this county’s – history. “It was a simpler time,” says Doyle. “A time that epitomized the concept of „use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.? and our curriculum was developed to showcase this extraordinary era.”
The camp will be held at the Farmstead – located just west of Zionsville’s park at Mulberry Fields at 9575 Whitestown Road – during the weeks July 11-July 15 and August 1-August 5. Camp hours are from 9:00 to 5:00 Monday-Friday. Cost is $180 per week. Checks may be payable to Maplelawn Farmstead.
Maplelawn Farmstead, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that creates experiences that connect people to the rich, rural heritage of the 1930?s Great Depression era on an Indiana family farm. For more registration information, contact or go to
SullivanMunce Art Camps, 205-225 W. Hawthorne St. (Ages 4 to 17)
Week long half-day teen clay, photography, and painting classes. Week long full-day and half-day youth artdrama classes. Week long half-day youth clay, art, and history classes. Adult art classes are also available. For more information go to or contact the SullivanMunce Art Director Cynthia Young at (317)873-6862 or
Traders Point Creamery “Summer Farm Camp”, 9101 Moore Rd (1st to 8th grades)
Traders Point Summer Farm Camp is a unique experience unlike any other summer camp!! We are excited to offer a time for children to work, discover and play in harmony with nature on our organic, dairy farm. We will offer three sessions in summer 2011:
Session I: Growing Farm Hands (1st-4th grades) June 13 – 16
Session II: Eco-Ag Stewards (5th-8th grades) July 11 – 14, overnight option: July 14th – 15th
Session III: Growing Farm Hands (1st-4th grades) August 1st – 4th
Growing Farm Hands (1st – 4th grades) This enriching experience will provide children an opportunity to work with animals, hike through pastures and along Eagle Creek, make crafts and food, and play games all while learning what it means to be ecologically sustainable.
Eco-Ag Stewards (5th – 8th grades) Like those attending the Growing Farm Hand Camps, kids in this camp will work with animals, hike, create nature-inspired crafts, and explore the surrounding ecosystem. Campers will discover the intricacies of the water, mineral, and energy cycles and how they relate to our food system. Immersed in the sounds and natural rhythms of the farm, tweens and teens attending this week of camp, will learn how healthy food choices lead to a healthy body and wellbeing.
For more information and registration forms, go to or contact Amy Rhodes at or 733-1700.
YMCA Camp, Zionsville Lions Park (Ages 6 to 15)
Summer camp is through the Witham Family YMCA in Lebanon. This off-site camp is held at Zionsville’s Lions Park from June 6th to August 12th. Registration by the week with weekly themes throughout the summer. Discounts for YMCA members.
Day Camp hours are 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. daily, but campers may be dropped off at 7:00 a.m. (as early as 6:30 am at select locations). Campers can be picked up as late as 6:00 p.m. Check with your camp for specific times.
The overall goal of YMCA Camping is to help children and teens grow in spirit, mind, and body. For more information and registration forms, go to or contact the Witham YMCA at (765) 483-96229
Zion Nature Camps, 690 Beech Street (K to 5th grade)
“Nature Navigators” camp is for children entering grades K-3. Campers can attend either a morning (9-noon) or afternoon (1-4 p.m.) session during the weeks of June 13-17 or June 27-July 1. “Biologist Boot Camp” is for campers entering grades 4 5 and will take place the week of July 11-15 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The fee is $85/child, and registration must be completed in person at the Zion Nature Center. Enrollment will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis. All Sessions of 2011 Zion Nature Camp are FULL. Contact Zion Nature Center if you wish to be placed on a waiting list. or (317) 873-8950
Zionsville Community Schools summer camps (K to 12th grade)
Weekly camps offered from June 6th to August 12th. Various themes and topics such as sports, art, science, and an “Explorers” camp. Full day and part day camps offered.
Explorers’ Camp is designed to offer families the quality care they desire in an environment that children find exciting and engaging. Operating daily from 6:45 AM – 6:00 PM, Explorers’ Camp is best experienced as a full-time option for enriching childcare. This summer participants in Explorers’ Camp can expect to experience. A new adventure every week, as we journey through the 20th century and beyond.
Go to for more information and to register.
Zionsville United Methodist Church “Summer ROCK”, 9644 Whitestown Rd (K to 6th grade)
Summer ROCK is a 10 week program for children grades K-6th. Our hours of operation are from 6:45am to 6pm, Monday – Friday. ROCK will be CLOSED on July 5, 2010 to celebrate our country’s independence day.
When registering your child for Summer ROCK you may register for one day or the entire 10 weeks. If you are only registering for one day per week, you may not register for field trip days. If you want to register for a field trip day you must also register for at least one additional day in that week. Field trip days are typically on Wednesdays. The week of June 14-18 ROCK will participate in the ZUMC’s Vacation Bible School. During this week you may only register for the full week. There will be no daily registration.
The Registration fee is $60 per family. Tuition fees are $190 per child per week or $45 per child per day. Your tuition will be due in 4 payments. Your 1st payment is due at registration then your subsequent payments are as follows: June 7 (covering June 14-July 2), July 6 (covering July 6-23), and July 26 (covering July 26-Aug. 13). If this payment plan presents an issue for you, please contact Lynn Prust.
Registration for the general public will begin Tuesday, April 6, 2010, by appointment only. You can call to set an appointment as early as 12:01 am on March 26th. Please leave a message stating how you can be reached in the days to follow.
Due to limited number of children accepted, it is recommended that you register as soon as possible.
For more information please log on to or call the ROCK office at 733-4081.