From the VRA President –Planting Seeds
Tis the season to plant those seeds and see how they grow! We are doing the same with our village. I attended the Mayor’s State of the Town and heard some positive, forward-looking statements where we are planning on planting the seeds for the future of the South Village. Here is the link!
Right after the presentation, I had the opportunity to meet with representatives of local business owners who are looking to achieve the Main Street Indiana designation. This is not a historical preservation, but an opportunity to complement and enhance the largest area attraction in Boone County. They gave me the following quote:
It is the right time for Zionsville to pursue a Main Street USA designation. The goal is to continue to offer but also expand on our quintessential Zionsville offerings while growing our presence as a destination in Central Indiana. We can also learn from the network of Main Street organizations across the state and US. This entity will be an arm of the Zionsville Chamber but will serve as an umbrella for marketing of events from groups who are contained within or enhance the Village Business District.
Here is the link to the Main Street Indiana page:
I look forward to the VRA and the VBD working together to continue creating a better and more desirable Zionsville. Let’s plant those seeds!
Oh yeah, my home is now a certified Century Structure, Yippee!
e-mail me at:
Bret Brewer
From Zionsville Town Council
I hope your family is able to take a break as many have Spring Break happening, even if not adventuring out of Zionsville! The spring break weeks I have stayed around our town have been enjoyable with no traffic, no lines or waiting at restaurants, and often filled with good weather that brings flowers and greener lawns. I’m happy this school break includes a day for the solar eclipse and am hoping for a sunny day to experience it!
I’d like to give a recap of this past quarter’s topics which have been before the Town Council. January was the changing of the guard for our municipal government, and it felt a bit like we hit the ground running. The Town Finances, the Comprehensive Plan, South Village, the Management of our Golf Course, a vote to rezone a blighted area, and some modernizing of procedures have all come before the Town Council this first quarter of 2024.
Along with attending the monthly Town Council meetings, I’m on the Mayor’s Finance Committee and attend the two monthly Department Head meetings. Getting our annual report out and scheduling State Board of Accounts audits have been priorities on our quest to improve our credit rating. We met the February 29 filing requirement – which is a great step forward. There’s also currently a review of policies and procedures for the departments to achieve process improvement to show during an audit that can be shared with the credit rating experts.
Attending transportation / road realignment sessions, the comprehensive plan team selection meetings, and a variety of small group RDC presentations have helped me get a well rounded vision of what is being presented that will directly affect District 4. I will continue to pay attention and speak up for our district as the comprehensive plan rewrite moves forward.
South Village ideas have been presented to the VRA, and I hope to help keep you informed as decisions are made. Your view points are being strongly considered to be incorporated so please continue to reach out to Redevelopment Director Corrie Sharp, Mayor Stehr, or to me with questions or comments.
The possibility of a management shift of the Golf Course was something that had many people concerned. After many conversations, it’s my pleasure to share the management team that’s currently there is finalizing details to stay in place. The newly selected management company “Zionsville National” is actually made up of the current management and local resident Paul Kite. With the golf course serving so many in our town, especially the middle schoolers and the local leagues, and so many District 4 neighbors reaching out, I was very happy with the decision.
There are some development topics that have come to Town Council as well. I voted yes to a rezone in a blighted area in front of Stonegate that had the zoning potential to be apartments or mobile homes, mining / quarry, or a business. The vote changed it to a business park. The current project proposed is a storage unit. My vote was based on my door knocking interactions where people asked me to consider responsible commercial development.
Finally, there is now a Town Hall greeter and police officer at a welcome desk in Town Hall – stop in and say hello! The administrative managers for the Police and Fire Departments are back at their headquarters. Also, note that Town Hall is now cashless, so bring your credit card for transactions.
Please feel free to reach out to me at I may take a bit to reply as I usually try to have relevant information to write back, but please know I do read received emails.
Happy Spring!
VRA Meeting Schedule!
Up next: the annual Porch Party on May 25 from 3-5 p.m. Memorial Day weekend!