Water Ban for Zionsville
Zionsville Town Council President Tim Haak has signed an Emergency Executive Order on Water Conservation Declaration. The order will take effect at 9:00 a.m. Friday, July 20.
Major Provision of the order are:
- During the pendency of this water conservation order, it shall be unlawful for a water user, defined as any customer or other individual, firm, corporation, government, agency, or other entity using water within the Town of Zionsville from the Citizens Water system, to cause, permit, allow, do, or engage in any of the following actions:
- Sprinkling, watering, or irrigating of grass;
- Washing cars, trucks, trailers, mobile homes, railroad cars or any other type of mobile equipment, except as required by applicable local, state, or federal law for health or safety reasons;
- Using water to clean sidewalks, driveways, paved areas, structures, buildings, or other outdoor surfaces;
- Filling empty swimming pools;
- Installing new landscaping or new lawn by using sod until a return to normal conditions is declared by a subsequent Executive Order;
- Using hydrants except for fire suppression or as otherwise directed by Citizens Energy Group; and
- Operating water fountains that are non-recycling.
- The following water users and uses are hereby exempted from these mandatory conservation measures during the pendency of this water conservation order:
- Nurseries;
- Automatic commercial car washes;
- Manual commercial car washes;
- Golf courses;
- Any watering of property owned or controlled by the Zionsville Department of Parks and Recreation as determined by my designee, the Department Superintendent; and
- Users with their own wells.
- Watering vegetable gardens and flowers by container or hand-held hose equipped with a shutoff nozzle and watering trees less than five (5) years old are exceptions to these mandatory conservation measures during the pendency of this water conservation order.
- Personnel of the Town of Zionsville designated by me and/or the Town Manager are hereby directed to use vigilance in enforcing the provisions of this Executive Order until such time as it is rescinded upon termination of this water conservation order.
- Any violators of this Executive Order for water conservation will be penalized as follows:
- First violation: Warning
- Second violation within a year of first violation: $250
- Third violation within a year of the second violation: $500
- Fourth violation (and subsequent violations), within a year of the third violation: up to $2,500.
How’s Your Garden in a Drought?
By Delma Mindel
Frustrated by the wilting, browning, dying plants on which you have lavished tender loving care over the years? Wait! It may get worse. Our summers are predicted to be just like this from now on. I’m hoping that’s not true. But just in case, I’m also perusing my High Country Gardens catalog, which is full of plants for xeriscaping, meaning, plants with low water needs. Characteristics of drought-tolerant plants: aromatic foliage like thyme, oregano, lavender and sage; waxy stems and leaves like sedums; very small or finely-cut leaves like dianthus, baby’s breath, artemesia and potentilla; silver-grey foliage like salvia, artemesia and lavandula. It’s the white hairs on the leaf surface that reduce water loss by reflecting the sun’s rays and holding moisture. Hairy foliage, like lamb’s ears. Perennials that have large, fleshy fibrous roots or deep tap roots are able to reach down into the soil to collect water and store moisture for future needs, like daylilies, red hot pokers, dahlias, guara and liriope. Here are a few more drought tolerant perennials: thyme, creeping chamomile, feverfew, threadleaf coreopsis. Water-hog plants? Kentucky blue grass and all annuals.
Here’s a few water-wise tips, time consuming yet important:
- Place a bowl or basin in your kitchen sink to catch the cool water that usually goes down the drain while you wait for hot water to emerge. You might collect up to 4-5 gallons. Use that to water your outdoor or indoor plants.
- Use a large plastic pot/dish to wash dishes in, making just a little bit of soapy water and then rinsing off your dishes and utensils with the rinse water going into the same soapy-water dishpan. Let it cool and water your garden with it. Very important! If you decide to do this, switch to an earth-friendly dish soap, not one full of salts and chemicals that harm plants. I use “Essential Gold” www.essentialprocess.com A little bit in a spray bottle filled with water goes a long way. I’m pretty sure Whole Foods has several similar products.
- Remember those pictures of people taking baths in wooden tubs? Same principle, pouring the used grey water into the garden. We unfortunately cannot divert the run-off from our washing machines and showers to our gardens. Hopefully the city utilities is collecting and purifying and returning that water to our reservoirs?
- Plan ahead, and just notice how many times you turn on the water faucet in the kitchen and bathroom. I’m surprised at how many times I do that. Try to collect that water, if you can, see above, instead of letting it run down the drain. Don’t let the water run while you brush your teeth. You can save hundreds of gallons each week by conserving water with just this one practice.
- When I visit my cousin’s cabin in West Virginia where water is scarce, in the bathroom a sign reads “If it’s yellow let it mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down.” I know, eeuuww! Still, you’re conserving water… congratulations!
Letter from the President
As we have begun to make plans for the fall, we have started to get things ramped up for all of the fun fall events in the Village. With the crazy heat and drought we have had, I am sure you are all just ready for a cool evening on the Bricks for the big Annual VRA Picnic in September with all our great neighbors.
As of right now the VRA’s Annual Old Fashioned Block Party Pitch-In Picnic is scheduled for the evening of September 22nd. Remember that we have some of the best cooks in the whole state right here in the Village, so this is a party you won’t want to miss! We will have fun for the kids and great conversation for adults, and maybe even some great music! Bring a dish to share, and the VRA will have Burgers, Dogs and Drinks for everyone!
With much sadness, our trusty editor of the Village Voice, Caron Peper, has submitted her resignation to the VRA- as now that she has a full time job and her daughter is really busy with all of those events, she needs to step away. Luckily, I have misplaced her paperwork and she will HAVE to keep doing this for a few more months as we get some new volunteers in place. We have already had a few great new people interested in helping out with the Village Voice but if you are in any way interested, we would love to have another set of hands to help with this very fun and informative online publication. If you would like to help us put the whole thing together, that would be great, and we are always looking for any sort of story or commentary contribution. Whether you are interested in food recipes, village homes history, events photography, or even just have some thoughts on how things ought to be here in Zionsville, we want to hear about it and share it with our other Village neighbors!
Speaking of Village Volunteers… We need homes for the progressive dinner! Our Christmas Party Co-Chairs, Jill Ridge Marianne Doyle, are looking hard for 3 homes for this fantastic Village Evening! I’ll offer up our dilapidated old shack if no one else steps up, but everyone has already seen it! You know you want to show off your home too—and everyone is excited to see it. Email rsvp@zvra.com to get the ball rolling.
Have a great August!
Chris Bucher
My Favorite Room: Kitchen of Barry Hicks and Amy Lacy
Amy Lacy and Barry Hicks’ kitchen appears to be frozen in time. What had previously been a nondescript room with oak cabinets and flowery wallpaper, is now a charming homage to an early 20th century cottage kitchen.
On one wall, sits a restored and fully functional Detroit Jewel stove-a piece that both Barry and Amy were excited to discover since Amy’s mom, Jackie, used to live across from the factory. A hard-working Philco refrigerator adds to the vintage feel.
Family heirlooms contribute to the look-the pie safe belonged to Barry’s grandmother and a Hoosier cabinet was previously owned by Amy’s mom.
Barry and Amy did all of the work themselves, and I mean ALL THE WORK. They put up bead board walls and added glass doors to the existing cabinetry. Galvanized sheeting covers the counter tops; Barry used a metal press to bend the sheeting over the old counters. While Amy installed antique green glass hardware, Barry painted the floor-freehand! The work was well worth it.
VRA Garden Club News
By Delma Mindel
On July 8th, the ZVRA Garden Club met at the home of Mark and Sally Zelonis. The weather that evening turned slightly cooler which made sitting in the garden and noshing on the wonderful snacks quite enjoyable. Mark and Sally took us on a garden tour, with Mark providing the Latin names of many of his plants and us saying “Huh?”. To mention just a few: the strawberry-vanilla hydrangea, anemone, Beauty berry, Joe-Pye weed, toad-lily and the deliciously-scented Clethra (summersweet) beloved by bees. The side yard is primarily dry shade being under the branches of very tall trees. The back yard by the kitchen door contained hibiscus in pots, and other annuals, lilies taller than Mark very sweetly scented, and a quite dramatic Hungarian Bear’s Breeches. (Warning: invasive!) Mark is the Ruth Lilly Deputy Director of Environmental and Historic Preservation at the IMA and Sally is Major Gifts Officer at the Indianapolis Zoo.
Next month, mark Tuesday, August 14th, 7pm, on your calendars. We will meet at the home of Beth Bugbee on Ash Street. Details later.
Village News
Z’Sparkle Party Drag Race to End Alzheimer’s
Friday, August 10th; Main Street Zionsville
VIP Tent: Opens at 7pm. Food, fun, cash bar, music, DJ, meet and mingle with the “Dragstars!” over 21 ONLY
Tickets $10.00 , available at Akard’s True Value Hardware or at the door
Race: begins at 9pm Free, Open to the Public – Donations encouraged
The community’s finest and bravest gentlemen don their best dresses and high heels and “race” down Main Street in a sparkly parade of splendor in exchange for donations to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Cheer and jeer them on from Oak Street to the finish line at Hawthorne Street.
“Dragstars” will be collecting donations along the route. Bring your cash and checkbooks!
Also enjoy live Music from Henle and the Loops and see real drag cars from Lucas Oil Raceway Park and meet their drivers.
For more information visit www.ZSparkleDragRace.com
All proceeds from this event go to the Alzheimer’s Association Greater Indiana Chapter
Zionsville American Legion Summer Yard Sales Event
Help us fix our roof by renting a table and yard space to sell your “stuff”. With 100% of table rental fees from sellers going directly to the Roof Fund! No Auxiliary expenses! The Auxiliary will also have tables with items donated to us.
The Got Too Much Stuff yard sale will be every 2nd Saturday from May through August from 8am to 1pm… and if you don’t have anything to sell, stop by to see what bargain you might find! Be sure to visit the Auxiliary’s tables to see our selection of homemade desserts, beverages, and who knows what else!
Rental cost is $20 for a space with one table. Table rental agreements are available at the Legion, 9950 E 600 S (corner of Ford Rd and 600 S)
In the event of rain, the sale will be moved inside.
Questions? Call Linda Koenig 769-4270 or Chrissy Koenig 733-2035
Along with helping raise money for our American Legion, our Auxilliary supports The American Legion Programs for Veterans in various ways: we donate money items for the Veteran’s in nursing homes, Veterans Homes, homeless Vets. We also send items to our current military who are overseas serving our country and support our local community by helping needy families as well as other needs in our community
National Night Out 2012
Zionsville Police Department in conjunction with local businesses will be hosting out first National Night Out at Boone Village Shopping Center on August 7th, 2012 from 4-8pm. The National Night Out is an annual event designed to strengthen communities by encouraging neighborhoods to engage in stronger relationships with each other and with their local law enforcement partners. Information on Zionsville’s Crime Watch Program will be provided at the event.
Our Night Out will have plenty of food, refreshments and fun for the kids too!
Government Updates
Meeting: Zionsville Town Council Meeting Highlights
Date: July 2, 2012
- Phil Howard gave a presentation updating the Town Council on the Zionsville Board of Parks and Recreation/Parks and Golf Course. Mr. Howard indicated to the VRA representative that he would post his presentation on the Parks and Recreation web site.
- Following public comments and questions at the public hearing on reclassification of property from Rural Service District to Urban Service District, the public hearing was continued until August 6, 2012.
- The Town Council adopted an Anti-Nepotism Policy for the Town and approved appropriation to fund the Town’s portion of Interlocal Agreement for a Water Study (public water supply) with Boone County, Advance, Jamestown, Lebanon (Lebanon Utilities), Thorntown, Whitestown, and Citizens Energy Management Company. The funding was contingent on the parties entering into the agreement.