Upcoming town meetings:
Jan 3rd (Tues) at 7pm in Bev Harves Room for the Town Council monthly meeting
Jan 17th (Tues) at 7pm in Bev Harves Room for the Plan Commission monthly meeting
Jan 18th (Wed) at 7pm in the Community Room for the Economic Development Commission (EDC) monthly meeting
Jan 19th (Thurs) at 8am in the Community Room for the EDC Strategic Plan Working Group Meeting
Feb 2nd to 5th- ZBowl needs you!
Zionsville has been officially named a Super Celebration Site by the Indy Super Bowl Host Committee. The ZBowl is a week’s worth of events that includes fun things to do related to families, food and art. This is a grassroots effort, and we need your help to make it a huge success. Volunteers are needed to staff various activities; from the welcome desk, to the football camp, and many other great opportunities. For more information and to sign up, visit the ZBowl website at
Letter From The President
With Christmas in the rearview mirror and our New Year upon us, we have a lot to look forward to in the coming year. Some interesting and exciting things will be continuing from last year; such as the First Street Project, which now has some elaborate plans and will be up for community review in the upcoming weeks.
While I am sure there are those that will love it, there will be some issues as well. This will drastically change the look and feel of First Street; so before we start picking at the plan, realize that this will do exactly what most of the Village Residents wanted—add green space and pedestrian friendliness to an under utilized part of the Village. Our next step is to make sure that we can overcome any small issues, such as losing some parking spaces, and start really using and promoting the Village as a very “walk-able” place. This is something we should all participate in more.
We are still waiting to hear back from Monument Construction on the status of any sort of real development at the Citgo Site and a potential meeting from them to answer questions and how their plans impact the village. I have been assured from Town Staff as well as Tim Haak and Steve Mundy that there has been no contact with the town from Monument besides a report to the RDC several months ago. I am looking forward to seeing how this progresses.
The EDC strategic plan is also still a work in progress. To quote Town Manager Ed Mitro in regards to the December 14th Meeting-“To say it was extremely well attended would be an understatement.” Thanks to all of you who were there and listened, learned and put in your two cents worth. Also, thanks to those of you who filled out the town survey on the EDC plan as American Structure Point has been busy sifting through a huge number of those. We will see how the thoughts from the people who are potentially most effected (Village Residents and Zionsville Road Residents) are integrated into the plan. We will do our best to keep you updated with the meeting schedules for this, as well as the upcoming Land Use Strategic Working group. The Land Use working group will also have a large impact on our community. Hopefully this new Land Use plan will look at all of Zionsville, and not just the TIF district.
We will be convening meetings of the VRA Legislative Affairs Committee and the Village Voice Editorial Board in the middle of the month. For those of you already on those committees, you will receive emails when those dates are set, and those dates will be on the happenings calendar at If you would like to be part of those groups, we definitely need your help! Your opinion and talents are needed to make sure these important parts of the VRA continue to help inform other residents of what is going on in the Village, and inform the town leaders of the thoughts and views of the Village.
Make sure to check out for info on all the great stuff going on in Zionsville this year. And take some time to help out with all the great Super Bowl events we have right here in Zionsville with our own Z’Bowl
Have a great New Year and I hope to see you often over the course of 2012!
Chris Bucher
VRA President

VRA Garden Club News
By Delma Mindel
Happy New Year
Greetings to all you intrepid gardeners already perusing the stacks of garden catalogs and dreaming about what plants you could possibly tuck into your garden, all the while comfortably ensconced In your cozy living room, fireplace merrily ablaze, perhaps a kitty or two snuggling next to you keeping warm, icy rain and sleet rattling against your window panes. The memories of sweat running into your eyes, the aches and pains from bending over, crouched over, kneeling, digging, pulling, grasping, hauling, and don’t forget watering,—are quite a distant and fuzzy memory. The beautiful glossy prints of the promised blooms in the catalogs are just so…well, devoid of all that hard work that goes into getting them to grow and bloom in exactly the way they are pictured. May I share with you a few of my catalog “have to have it” favorites? From Garden Gate Magazine, the astibles…’Ostrich Plume’ with gently cascading, feathery pink plumes’, and ‘Color Flash, with vivid lime-green leaves that mellow into elegant burgundy by late summer. Yum! From Gardens Alive, Blue Chip Miniature Butterfly Bush, a new cultivar perfect for smaller gardens and mixed borders, blue, lilac-like flowers from early summer to mid fall. Ah fellow gardeners, spring is on its way. And if you are hankering to do something in the garden right now, mulch your roses…this is the best time to do it.
For those of you who missed our last garden venture, Ellen and Jeff Butz hosted the VA Garden Club in September. We listened to future plans to re-do the brick path, enjoyed the container pots verdant with blooms, and the elegant and lovely borders that meandered in an orderly fashion along the fence. The “Secret Garden” was just that, access gained only through the house. The garden was a stand out in all its shades of green. The lighter-leaved plants glowed in the shadows, and with the gentle sound of water cascading over the lovely fountain Jeff built by hand, the garden was a restful and serene delight.
Our next event is March 3rd, 6pm, at the home of Marianne and Guinn Doyle. Bring a covered dish to share. Let Marianne and Guinn know you are planing to attend and what food you’re bringing. ( If you’re a mind to, bring seeds to share (in labeled envelopes) from your favorite flowers. (Please, please RSVP to Marrianne and Guinn!) This is our annual planning meeting, where we discuss future outings and encourage our group to open their gardens for viewing. Monique and Brad Schnable, Mark Zalonis, and Beth Bugbee have agreed to host our group, next summer. In June: Schnables, May or July: Zalonis, August: Bugbee. Remember, as always, no garden is deemed unsuitable or unworthy. We are a gentle,helpful and knowledgeable bunch. And- don’t forget- convivial!
ZBowl February 2nd to 5th
Zionsville has been selected as an official “Super Celebration Site”, allowing Zionsville to participate in the Host Committee’s Super Bowl efforts. There will be a shuttle running from Indy to Zionsville this week, bringing traffic to Zionsville. Zionsville’s events this week will be included in the host committee’s ads, apps, and marketing efforts. Go to for complete listings and to purchase tickets for special events.
Main Street
Visit the ZBowl Welcome Center at the Prudential Real Estate Building (15 S. Main Street)from Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Get all the latest information and exclusive ZBowl insider guides.
Carriage Rides will be available from Thursday the 2nd through Saturday the 4th from 5-8pm along Main Street.
The National Art Museum of Sports (NAMOS) will be displaying special football themed works of art in selected local establishments. Locations and hours of business vary depending on each hosting establishment.” Robert Goodman Jewelers (106 N. Main), Watts Gallery (10 N. Main), Brown’s on Main (98 S. Main), Prudential Realty (15 S. Main), and Indianapolis Executive Airport (11329 East State Road 32). FREE
Football themed menu items featured at Zionsville dinning and food establishments throughout ZBowl festivities.
Dinner, Wine and Art at Serenity (135 South Main Street) will be on Thursday the 2nd . Come at 6:30 pm to look around as dinner will begin promptly at 7 pm.” $38 over 21 years
Indie Rock Concert at St. Alphonsus Liguori (1870 West Oak Street) on Thursday the 2nd. Get your head rockin’ and your toes tappin’ to some of the latest hits from Nashville artists: Keegan DeWitt, Roman Candles and Bryan Cates. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. and performances start at 7 p.m.$20
Architecture and Apparitions Tour given by SullivanMunce on Friday and Saturday (3rd and 4th) evenings. Enjoy an enchanting evening of sites and stories as you venture out on an exciting walking tour along Zionsville’s historic brick street while discovering tales of ghosts and apparitions. The tours will occur at 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. $15
Traders Point Creamery
Known for the famous Indy 500, Indianapolis has strategically placed special festive Indy cars at each Super Celebration Site to show some Hoosier spirit surrounding the Super Bowl. Get your photo next to an exclusive car wrapped in NFL team colors. Free shuttle service will be provided to Trader’s Point Creamery to view the Indy Super Car. The 15 passenger ZCS school bus will run every 30 minutes Schedule: Thursday and Friday 9:30a – 2:00p AND 4:00p – 9:00pm Saturday Noon to 9:00pm FREE
Lions Park ZBowl Winterfest 2012
The 3-day long event in Lions Park starts on Friday February 3 and includes something for everyone. Friday is Mascot day; Saturday is Jersey Day; and Saturday is Spirit Day.
Winterfest will include a double Toboggan Run that is over 80’ long with manufactured snow! There will be a 50 person ice-skating rink on synthetic ice as well. A $5 band grants access for all day usage of rink and toboggan run. The rink will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday through Saturday and then from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. The toboggan is open Saturday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
There will also be a heated video game truck where up to 20 kids at a time can experience some of the coolest video games, for only $3 for 15 minutes worth of play. The Gaming Trailer will be open on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
There will be a place to warm up by fire-pits, and to enjoy refreshments daily.
All proceeds will go to benefit local Zionsville service organizations.
Friday February 3rd Special Events
First Friday Art Gallery Walk from 5 to 8 p.m. This should be an exciting night with many special events happenings in conjunction with First Friday. FREE
Experience the flavor of Zionsville as 20 local gourmet chefs “pop-up” in exquisite art galleries and boutiques, during the Art Gallery Walk, serving their special culinary creations. $15 in advance; $20 at the door
Live acoustic artists performing at G. Simone’s lower level (112 S Main St.). A special selection of fine tunes will make for an evening of food, music and friends. Performances will take place between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. 21 and older FREE
First Come, First Hung Opening Reception at Sullivan Munce (205 West Hawthorne St) from 5 to 8pm. Selected sports themed masterpieces that come through the door will be displayed as part of this exclusive and limited time gallery. The exhibit will be open for viewing until February 25.FREE
Gone with the Wind Gala at Thomas Kinkade Gallery (104 S. Main St.) from 5 to 9pm. Y’all stop by, y’hear? See Thomas Kinkade’s new rendering of, arguably, the best movie of all time and enjoy a modern day Southern party. FREE
Phororealist painter John Mark Gleadow at Corner Vise Gallery Frame Shop (110 S. Main St.)from 5-8pm. See him in action and have your painting personalized.
Dave and Rae Performance at Plum’s Upper Room (112 South Main Street) from 8:30 to 11:30pm. Get your toes tapping with one of Indy’s favorite dance bands while enjoying an exquisite dinner. Dinner buffet from Plum’s Upper Room. Event and meal is $80. Over 21 years
Saturday February 4th Special Events
Walk and Roll Football Camp at Zionsville Middle School ( 900 North Ford Road) on Saturday the 4th from 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM. This special football camp will bring together children in kindergarten through 8th grade both with and without special needs. In addition to teambuilding exercises the camp will also include special appearances by major NFL, college and local high school athletes. $10
Tailgate Party with Weber Grill at Akards True Value (25 Boone Village) on Saturday the 4th from 11am to 1pm
Community Service Events
Super Kids Super Sharing Super Bowl donation project at Eagle Elementary. They will be collecting lightly used (or new) books, sports equipment and school supplies. Donated items will be distributed to low income schools and to programs that serve local children in need. From January 4th through the 18th you can bring those items to the school and place them in collection boxes located near the entrance.
Souper Bowl of Caring national initiative is held each year in conjunction with the Super Bowl to provide materials and other support to allow groups the flexibility to donate non-perishable food items or money to local causes. While supplies last, the State Bank of Lizton will provide participants with a reusable, refillable Souper Bowl of Caring cloth bag to fill and empty as many times as possible through Feb. 4 at one of the State Bank of Lizton locations. Drop off food pantry donations at the State Bank of Lizton in Zionsville (6529 East State Road 334)
ZBOP Presents: Second City Comedy 2012 Laugh Out Loud Tour on February 10th
Comedy greats like John Belushi, Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, Mike Myers, Steve Carrel, Tina Fey and Stephen Colbert all exercised their comedy chops at the infamous Second City Comedy theatres ( Now a second generation of new gut bustin’ comedians takes no prisoners in satiric comedy that leaves no politician, no Hollywood socialite and no Beltway blowhard untouched in their second appearance in Zionsville! So in the dead of Indiana winter when you really need a good laugh, join us for Second City’s Laugh Out Loud Tour! For flyer, go to
Always wanted to learn comedy improv? Join Second City professionals for a 1hr. 30 min improv workshop on Friday, February 10, 4:15-5:45 pm. The workshop is for all ages but space is limited to ensure a great group experience. You can learn the secrets of Second City Comedy by joining in on the games and group participation or just watch and learn! Custom small group workshop available, please contact Ann for more information.
For questions and workshop reservations, email Ann at
Tickets can be ordered at and Marsh in Boone Village and N. Michigan Road starting January 9th. Advance tickets $15; at the door $17.
Comedy Improv Workshop $15, workshop and show $30.
Live! at the Zionsville Performing Arts Center
Friday, February 10th 7:30 PM
Village Voice Arts
Resident Tourist: 2011 ZVRA Holiday Progressive Dinner
By Jennifer Bucher
The residents’ association’s most exclusive party kicked off the holiday season with warm food, inviting homes and good neighbors. This year’s committee, again ably headed by Jill Ridge, chose three charming village homes to host hor d’oeuvres, dinner and dessert for almost 50 guests.
The first stop was hosted by myself and husband Chris at our newly remodeled Queen Anne on Cedar Street. I know guests were anxious to see what we had done with this long time rental house and we were happy to oblige. Sally Zelonis, Heather Lusk and Debbie Brandt helped immensely with food and set up. The pesto cheesecake, stuffed mushrooms and ham puffs, along with the wine, warmed guests and were a lovely prelude to an excellent evening.Marianne and Guinn Doyle hosted dinner at their historic home on 6th street. Thanks to help from the Mindel’s, the Schnabel’s, the Bergman’s and the Sommer’s for making our classic dinner of turkey, potatoes and green beans so memorable. Guinn and Marianne’s new carriage house hosted many of the guests in its funky loft, complete with a retro record player and old Christmas tunes.
Hostess Janet Cohen and her husband Mervyn outdid themselves at our final stop for dessert. Janet’s trifles were extraordinary. The Cohen’s comfortable home on Cedar Street was decked out for the holidays. Between Janet’s confections and the cakes that Penny Edmondson contributed, guests were treated to a lovely array of sweet and delicious options.
While walking in between stops with good friend and ZVRA webmaster, Ted Schrader (who, by the way agreed to cart the wine and beer wagon from stop to stop-thanks Ted!), I couldn’t help but comment on how fortunate we are to be able to live in such a wonderful neighborhood. The skies were clear, the weather was mild and the Christmas lights twinkled-what a perfect night!
Monthly Recipe:Kota Kapama and Kale Chips
I have two recipes this month. The first is a Greek dish that just means Cinnamon Chicken or Cinnamon and Clove Chicken but sounds so much more interesting when called by its Greek name Kota Kapama. It is about as easy as they come for preparation and just needs to simmer on the stove awhile. I usually serve with brown rice or quinoa for my carb loving husband. This is also a great recipe to load up with veggies; leafy greens or small veggie chunks easily meld into the sauce. Substitutions are always encouraged in my house so I can make this versatile dish turn into about anything I feel like but it is great just as it is written below.
Kota Kapama 4 servings
8 pieces chicken (boneless, skinless breasts or thighs)
chicken rub ( 1t cinnamon, 2t salt, 1t pepper, 1t clove- optional)
2 onions diced
5 garlic cloves diced
1/2 c white wine
1 c stock
1 can tomato paste
1 T oregano
Put rub on chicken (you will literally rub it all over the chicken… do not just sprinkle it on). Place chicken in a skillet with a small amount of oil. Brown chicken on both sides, about 5 minutes per side. Remove chicken and put onions and garlic into the skillet for 3 minutes. Add wine to skillet. Allow it to simmer for 5 minutes then add stock, tomato paste and oregano. Mix all together then return chicken to the skillet. Simmer for 1 hour.
The second recipe I have this month is for Kale Chips. I try to get leafy greens in as often as possible; in the winter especially since I just can’t get myself to eat many salads during the winter. Eating a cold salad when I am bundled in a sweater just seems totally wrong to me. So… here is a recipe that will get more leafy greens into you and maybe cut out a few of those other kinds of chips.
Kale Chips 4 snack servings
1 bunch kale
2 T coconut oil or butter, melted
1 T lemon juice
sea salt and black pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 300 F. Wash the kale thoroughly under lukewarm water, drain and pat it dry. Cut the stems off of the kale leaves and cut the leaves to similar size “chips”. Place the kale in a bowl and coat well with the melted butter/coconut oil. Season to taste with sea salt and black pepper. Add the lemon juice and mix. Place the kale in a single layer on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven for about 35 minutes, until crispy. Check on the chips about every 12 minutes and toss them to make sure none of them overcook. Some parts will still be soft.