Letter from the president
One goal of the VRA has always been to educate members about the community. After hearing about the Redevelopment Commission in January, we were fortunate to have the Zionsville Police Department join us in February.
While residents were able to share concerns about speeding, we also received some great advice about fraud protection. Their tips include being alert for skimmers at ATMs or point-of-sale terminals, using a credit card when accounts are linked, using a card’s chip versus the magnetic strip, and meeting in a safe location – like the police station parking lot – for any transactions through Marketplace or other sites connecting with strangers. If you find yourself involved in an internet or phone scam, call the ZPD. They may be able to track the perpetrator.
Our next meeting is March 28 at 7pm for a candidate forum to meet those running in the Republican primary. Because there is only one Democrat running in each district or at-large, there will not be a Democratic primary. Please note the changed time from our usual meetings. John Tousley is leading the event and he’s provided information more details below including information for submitting questions.
Look for details about our May Porch Party in next month’s news!
Those who have paid their VRA dues can be a part of our new online directory. Information to access it is also below.
Heather Lusk, VRA President
Town Council News
One of the items the Council approved in February was the re-establishment of the position of Municipal Relations Coordinator. That is a bit misleading, we’ve had this role for several years, but we’ve been making efforts to clean-up some of the wording of past ordinances that may contain outdated wording from before our reorganization was approved.
Before the reorganization we had an elected position known as a Clerk Treasurer. This role oversaw the Town’s financials as well as helping the Mayor and Town Council in other capacities including serving as a tie-breaking vote on Council matters. The reorganization eliminated that elected position, which was a State edict to reduce the number of elected positions around the State. As a result, two positions were created to support the growing role, the Director of Finance and Records role and the Municipal Relations Coordinator role.
The Municipal Relations Coordinator serves both the Town Council and the Mayor. For the Mayor, this role is running the Municipal Action Center (MAC) in handling a variety of inbound constituent requests. For the Council, this role helps to manage our meetings including the gathering of agenda items, posting meeting materials to comply with State laws, and serving as the Secretary to create minutes and file appropriate signed documents. It is fair to say the Council couldn’t operate effectively without having someone handle these types of details.
Besides cleaning up the wording within the ordinance, the Council thought it was important that we have a seat at the table alongside the Mayor for any personnel decisions related to this role. It is such an important role, ensuring that each side agree before any major change is made to that role is very important and one of the balance of power tenants of the reorganization.
Amy Lacy (Village resident) very capably serves this role for us. She was elected Clerk Treasurer, and when the reorganization was approved served first as our Director of Finance and Records, and since moved into her current position. While we greatly miss her skills from the finance departments, especially given our recent issues since she switched jobs, we’re thrilled to have her working with us.
Josh Garrett, Zionsville Town Councilor
Meet the Candidates
There are several opportunities to meet candidates in March:
Meet the candidates at the VRA candidate forum on March 28 at 7pm. These candidates are specifically those who would represent the Village and will be on the ballot in the primary election on May 2. The forum is open to anyone, although we encourage Village residents to attend so they may make an informed decision. It will be held at the SullivanMunce Cultural Center (225 W. Hawthorne St) with candidates from District 4 and the mayoral race. Candidates who aren’t opposed in the primary but are representing district 3 and at-large may also be in attendance.
Questions for the candidates may be sent beforehand to questions@zvra.com.
Village resident Tom Casalini is hosting separate meet and greets for the two mayoral candidates. Both events will be at Tom’s studio – 10 ½ N. Main Street. Village businesses and residents are encouraged to attend and RSVP (this information will be updated with links for both candidates soon).
John Stehr: March 13 from 5:30-7pm (https://forms.gle/MREUz4DnuoHwHy3NA)
Jane Burgess: March 22 from 6-7:30pm (RSVP to Tom at tlc4858 at gmail.com)
We have a directory available on our website for those who have paid their VRA dues. If you’re unsure if you’ve paid, contact treasurer@zvra.com. With a VRA Directory, you can reach out to other residents whom you may have met briefly walking around the Village or at one of our events. Registering is easy:
1. Go to ZVRA.com and select “Register & Join” at the top.
2. Midway down the page, choose your Username and Password, and fill out the other information.
3. Watch for an email approving your registration. When it arrives, you may return to the website and select “Login” in the top right corner.
4. Once you’ve logged in, select “Additional Info” along the top menu, then “Members” for more features. You can find “Directory,” “Account,” and “Member Documents.”
Directory is the list of all members who wish to be included. Through “Account” and “Edit Profile” (the cog wheel), you can add a photo, address, phone number and more. “Member Documents” are documents shared with VRA members.