
Letter from the President

Your Board met on January 15th to discuss ideas our members have voiced about increasing our social activities throughout the year. I’m looking forward to our February meeting to discuss with you what types of social activities you would be interested in attending and how we can go about implementing these ideas.

I will be reaching out to our Town Council members in the coming weeks and inviting them to talk with us about the projects that are currently in process or planned for 2018.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Jamie Reynolds
ZVRA President

Town Council Insights:
A few cold-weather reminders

Wow, is it cold outside these days. We had a pipe freeze at our office the other day which made a tremendous mess. Fortunately we haven’t had any issues at home.

It’s been a slower time in the Council due to the holidays, although I expect it to get busy relatively quickly, with many projects coming down the pipeline.  We did push through appointments to a variety of boards and commissions that had expiring terms, or members that had to leave for differing reasons. I’ve made a concerted effort to find residents of the village who were interested in participating in these openings, and I’ve been very impressed with the willin gness and capabilities of those folks who have stepped up to serve.

Speaking of cold weather, I spoke with a few members of Town staff about any feedback or tips they might want to pass along.  A few reminders:

• Please keep your sidewalks clear when it snows. Not only is it being a good neighbor, but it is also a Town ordinance.

• Put your faucets on a slow drip – especially if you are travelling – to avoid freeze. In addition, cover or insulate pipes that are against an outside wall to prevent freezing.

• Watch for clogged drains and gutters that can create ice dams, which can be very dangerous.

• Make sure your fireplace is clean and has been inspected. Build-up of soot and other debris can cause fires in your chimney, which can lead to fires in your home.

• Stock up on a few basic supplies including a fire extinguisher, ice melt and a few essentials.

• As always, keep an eye out for your neighbors and their homes. Even something as simple as fixing some black ice can prevent a nasty fall.

I’ve also continued my discussions with the streets department over the use of salt. It pains me to see salt being spread onto the roads from an environmental standpoint, however they have yet to find a reasonable alternative that balances those concerns with ensuring safety for cars and pedestrians.

Stay warm, and stay safe.

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