Recent Announcements
- 02/14/2021
Highlights: Virtual Owl Patrol
Upcoming Events:
- Monday February 15: Town Hall Offices Closed for Presidents Day
- Tuesday February 16: 7:30 am – Zionsville Town Council Meeting - via Zoom
- Tuesday February 16: 8:30 am – Board of Police Commission - via Zoom
- Tuesday February 16: 7 pm – Planning Commission - via Zoom
- Thursday February 18: 6 pm - Virtual Owl Patrol Registration is required
Continuing Events:
- Zionsville Town Hall closed to the public until further notice
Zionsville/Village News:
- Massive $135 million project coming to Whitestown
- Whitestown Metropolitan Police Dept. officers injured in multiple-vehicle crash
- Spoils of victory: County officials estimate more than $1 million saved because of case
- Robison calls for teachers, school staff to be granted vaccine eligibility
- COVID deaths in Boone County jump after state adjustment
- Zionsville Police Department installs cameras to capture vehicle data of suspects
Posted Feb 14, 2021, 8:40 PM by phillip martini
President’s Letter:
Hi Neighbors –
The holiday season is off and running! We moved here at the end of last December so I am looking forward to the lead up to Thanksgiving and Christmas in the Village. I anticipate a lot of festive events and sights for the little ones.
As the holiday season kicks off, I want to remind everyone to stop in at our Village merchants to shop for gifts or to have a snack/lunch/dinner while shopping. We have so many great shops with different kinds of merchandise that it would be hard not to take advantage of their convenient location. Or if you are in need of a dessert for Thanksgiving dinner or a holiday party, we have plenty of those stores in the Village, too. Best of all, these purchases support the merchants in our Village community and help keep the Village strong.
I am sure no one needs a reminder of this but November 5th is Election Day! Hard to forget with all of the yard signs out, eh? As Sycamore Flats showed us, our elected local officials are very important to the future of the Village and Zionsville, no matter what side of the issue you were on. Please remember to get out and vote on November 5th! You can find more information regarding polling centers, ballot questions, and registration information at
The VRA is also kicking off our holiday season, with our last meeting of the year having been held on October 29th. This letter was written too early to give a summary of the October meeting so look for an update in one of the Sunday night e-mails.
Upcoming Events:
Holiday House Decorating contest: If you love to decorate for the holidays, this is an event you will want to consider. The contest is open to ALL Zionsville private residences or businesses. We will be distributing flyers to each house and business in the upcoming weeks that will have an entry application attached to it, along with the judging criteria and instructions on how to submit your application. The committee will only judge the houses and businesses that have submitted an application. Seven awards will be given out: First, Second, and Third prize for best business decorations (all property), First Second, and Third prize for best residential (all property) decorations, and one grand prize winner from all combined entries.
Progressive Dinner: The date of the Progressive Dinner has been set for December 7th! For those of you who are new to the VRA, the Progressive Dinner is a three course meal that takes place at three different houses. The first house will have appetizers, the second will have the main course, and the third will have dessert. It is one of our most in demand events and the spots go fast. Evites for the event will go out in early November to VRA members who have paid their yearly dues. If you have paid but didn’t give us your e-mail address, please send me an e-mail at and we will update your record. Or, if you haven’t paid for the year but would like to get the Evite, there is a link on our webpage ( to pay your dues. Our committee has been working hard on coordinating the dinner and I am looking forward to seeing what kind of magic they worked this year!
2020 Events: The VRA Board is going to meet soon to discuss events and presentations for the 2020 year. If you have any ideas or would like to see any past topics covered again, we would be happy to hear them! You can e-mail them to me at
Last but certainly not least, please tell your neighbors about the VRA and invite them to join. They can either sign up through the website or attend the next meeting. Benefits include joining a strong VRA community, keeping up to date with Village related news and events, and participating in VRA social events.
Have a great Thanksgiving and I’ll see you in one of the local shops or restaurants!
Town Council:
Recently the Town Council passed two ordinances to authorize the issuance of bonds by the parks department. The park board has a unique function within a Town as they are the ones that determine how the money should be spent, although Town Council has the final say.
The first bond was for $3.375M towards building the Overly-Worman Park. This park is from land donated to Town by the Overly-Worman family as a part of the Von Terra neighborhood located off of Zionsville Road. This will feature a few unique elements to our Town including a mountain bike track/trails and a disc golf course.
The second bond was for $4.3M towards building additional trails that connect into the Big-4 Rail Trail. This will allow us to connect various trails and extend the Big-4 Rail Trail so residents of Zionsville can utilize it as far north as Lebanon.
I’ve heard tremendous support over the years for increased trails in our communities, as well as the importance of parks for both resident enjoyment and economic development, so voting in favor of these bond requests was an easy yes for me.
I’ve learned that bonding and debt can be very complicated when it comes to local government. Much of it is based on local taxation rates as well as the assessed value of a community, with limits put on all of them from the State and local tax caps. Zionsville has one of the lowest taxation rates in the region, and our growing taxes are a good thing (what?) because they are tied to higher assessed value of properties, not higher spending by government.
Meet Your Neighbor:
With so many new faces in the Village, we are bringing back the Meet Your Neighbor interview in the Village Voice!
This month we interviewed Bret Brewer of Main Street. Bret is currently an At Large Town Council candidate. He also served on the VRA Board in the past as Vice President.
Who do you share your home with? A wife of 25 years, 2 kids in Zionsville High School, a dog and 2 cats
Where are you from originally? Born in Indianapolis
What is your profession? I am a business appraiser who primarily does litigation support, which means, I value a business and then testify in court to explain how I arrived at that value.
Have you made any changes to your home? Oh my goodness yes! We have converted the full-height attic to a living space, and created a new master suite on the 2 nd floor. Most recently, I just spent fall break , swinging a 20 pound sledge hammer to break up a 1970’s iron bathtub in order to remove it. We will be converting this room to a second-floor laundry room.
What is the best thing about Zionsville? The people!!!
What are your interests? My wife and kids, running, biking, kickboxing, watching the Colts, the stock market and building things for the house.
What is your favorite Village shop/restaurant ? Whichever one I am dining/shopping at at the moment
What are your favorite movies? The Godfather, Forrest Gump, Gladiator, Indiana Jones (most of them), Die Hard, The Matrix. Red, Lethal Weapon, Dead Poet’s Society (pretty much anything Robin Williams), Braveheart, Star Wars and the Princess Bride
What is your favorite book? The JRR Tolkien series of the Hobbit
Who would you most like to meet? Melinda Gates
What are your plans for the future? Depends on the election but hopefully a more transparent and fiscally responsible town
What advice do you have for other Villagers? Do something helpful for your neighbor
Three words that describe the perfect day: Your renovation’s complete!