VRA Picnic and Upcoming Meeting!
Two big Village events this month – the annual VRA Picnic on the Bricks takes place on Saturday, September 16 from 6-8pm. Join Village neighbors at the residential end of Main Street for a pitch-in. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. The VRA provides burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs and water. The event is open to anyone who lives in the Village.
Then Tuesday, September 19 at 7:30 p.m. is our next meeting at SullivanMunce Cultural Center. We’ll hear about home history research and get a tour of the museum. All Village residents are welcome to attend.
October 3 and October 24 will be two separate forums with different town council candidates. The forum is open to all residents to help us make an informed decision.
In December is our annual Progressive Dinner, open to VRA members only. Become a member by joining online at: https://zvra.com/register-join-the-vra/
DPW Superintendent Lance notified us at our first August meeting that the roundabout under construction at Oak and 800 will open on August 30th. That’s good news as that has been an inconvenience for those that needed to get West and was originally scheduled for September 3rd. The long-term benefits of this roundabout (safety, capacity, environmental) will make up for the short-term pain of the closure.
Our meeting also featured the winner of the PZAZ (People of Zionsville for the Aesthetics of Zionsville) “Tree of the Year”. PZAZ is a group of seven citizens, appointed by the Town Council, promotes urban forestry and streetscape beautification for the Town of Zionsville. It assists in maintaining the Town’s Tree City designation (25 years and counting) and acts as an advisory to Town departments on matters related to trees and plantings. They also help coordinate CreekFest as well as our tree canopy assessment.
The Zionsville tree of the year is the second annual designation of a tree in the community that has special meaning. These are trees nominated by individuals or organizations and the winner this year is important because of the meaning for one family. In the 1840s the Westin family farm was established and this tree was planted. Soon after Zionsville became a Town. 100 years later, the rural electrification commission wanted to knock down the tree and the family pushed back, moving the power lines to the West. Based on their story, this tree was selected by the committee. Beyond the designation, Earth and Turf was kind enough to donate a gift card to the winner.

2023 Fall Brush and Limb Collection
Zionsville’s Department of Public Works (DPW) will provide curbside Brush and Limb Collection on Monday, October 2, 2023 for the Village. This service provides Zionsville residents in the Urban Service District a means to dispose of certain pruning and yard debris. All items must be placed curbside by 7:30 a.m. on the Monday of your designated week. Crews will work to collect all properly placed material no later than the following Friday but may complete this task earlier.
The limit on size is six inches in diameter and smaller. Grass clippings, leaves, decorative grass, vines, stumps, root balls, construction lumber, firewood and wooden fencing material will NOT be collected. Bundling is not required. Limbs up to six inches in diameter may be left intact but should be no larger than can be managed by one person. It is helpful if all limbs are piled facing the same direction for ease and safety of loading into the chipper. The total amount per home should not exceed what would fit in a pickup truck.
This service is not intended for full tree removal or HOA common ground clearing. These types of tree work should be completed by a tree service contractor at the owner’s expense. Brush and limb placed along common areas, commercial areas or any non-residential area will not be collected.
Click here to view a map of Rural vs. Urban Service Districts.
STRIDES for Diabetes Awareness
STRIDES for Diabetes Awareness 3k, 5k and 10k event will be Saturday, September 23, at 8:30 a.m., starting and ending at Zionsville Lions Park.
The 3K is a Family Fun Walk to encourage the entire family to have fun exercising together and to increase their awareness of diabetes. The cost is $25 for an adult, who can then register up to four children for free. The registration fee for the 3K walk remains at $25 through the day of the event.
The 5K is a walk OR run. It will be professionally timed. The registration fee is $25 per person through 9/16. Registration fee increases to $30 on 9/17 through 9/22. On race day the registration fee is $35. Participants can register in person or online the morning of the event.
The 10K is a run only (not a walk). It will be professionally timed. The registration fee is $25 per person through 9/16. Registration fee increases to $30 on 9/17 through 9/22. On race day the registration fee is $35. Participants can register in person or online the morning of the event.
The course will run through the Village and on part of the Rail Trail. The course is shown on the getmeregistered.com registration page for the STRIDES race.
To register, go to getmeregistered.com, click on “Search Events” and enter “Diabetes.”
To promote awareness of diabetes, there will be several signs along the race course containing a question about diabetes. The participants can contemplate the question or discuss it among themselves if participating with a group, and then a little farther along the course, they will see the answer to the question.
Volunteers are needed as course marshals who will tell participants where to turn in order to stay on the race course. Also, we are seeking volunteers to provide encouragement or entertainment along the race course such as small groups of cheerleaders, dancers, people playing musical instruments or simply clapping and yelling words of encouragement. Volunteers can sign up by going to the getmeregistered.com page and scrolling down to the “Volunteer” button.