
“Is it Recyclable?”

Some might remember a David Letterman sketch, “Will it float?” Not quite as funny but more frequently asked is the question, “Is it recyclable?” 

When items that aren’t recyclable end up in the bin it can cause issues for the recycling facility. Employees sort materials by hand on a conveyer belt that were once in our recycling bins, removing items deemed unusable. If too many items collectively aren’t recyclable, they may remove an entire section along the belt to save time. Sometimes items that aren’t fully cleaned (like those with large amounts of food) can spill onto other recyclables, contaminating surrounding items. It’s important to check before putting something in that bin.

November 15 is America Recycling Day and it’s the perfect month for a refresher of what can and cannot be recycled:

Plastic bags. While plastic shopping bags can be recycled through Rays, in some communities the bags can clog machines and ultimately it might be better compiling them and dropping them off at a “bag only” bin at the grocery store entrance if possible.

Food containers. Anything that once held food should be thoroughly rinsed. Some residue is fine, but the majority should be removed. Any paper plates or food containers should be thrown away – these are not recyclable.

Other plastics. Plastic wrappers, such as shrink-wrapped plastic or plastic chip or cookie bags cannot be recycled. Sturdier plastics with a number at the bottom (1-7) can be recycled. This would include things like plastic fruit containers, detergent bottles, olive oil or condiment bottles or milk jugs. If it doesn’t have a number – like old plastic hangers – don’t put it in the bin.

Papers. Any magazines, newspapers, catalogs, envelopes, craft paper and greeting cards can be recycled. Paper pizza boxes can also be recycled if the amount of grease or food left behind isn’t too drastic. Shredded paper should be put in a clear plastic bag to avoid flying around the neighborhood.

Other waste. Diapers, unopened cans of food, tree branches, grass clippings, scrap metal, batteries, electronics, light bulbs, dishes and clothes should NEVER go into the recycling bin.

For more information review this flyer from Ray’s: http://www.boonecountysolidwaste.com/uploads/7/8/1/1/78113652/rays_single_stream_picture_flyer__2015_.pdf

Ray’s Trash provides recycling services to the Village along with our regular trash pickup. While the calendar will be updated in late December, here’s the schedule for the remainder of the year:


A few things to remember:

·       Collection should be out by the curb by 6:30 a.m. Collection occurs between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.

·       Trash is collected weekly in Zionsville. Recycling is collected bi-weekly.

·       There’s a six bag limit per residence.

·       Although heavy trash pickup is scheduled annually in early May when residents may put out large trash items, heavy pickup can be arranged for a fee with 48 hours notice by contacting Ray’s.

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